Page 7 - THree River Arts & Cuture Startegy Proposal from TCI
P. 7

2. Work Plan: Methodology & Approach
To begin, we emphasize this is a proposed work plan. We are entirely amenable to reviewing it with you, and revising it as required, to ensure it is optimal to your needs. This would occur at the initial start-up meeting.
We propose undertaking this project in three phases, which are:
Phase 1: Consultation & Situation Analysis Phase 2: Arts & Culture Plan Development Phase 3: Implementation & Next Steps
The chart below outlines the major tasks and specific activities involved in each phase. Specific deliverables resulting from the work are indicated in bold blue.
Not shown as specific additional tasks are weekly project update meetings by Zoom. In recent assignments, we have found Zoom meetings an ideal way to ensure the momentum of the project through ongoing progress updates. At the same time, Zoom meetings ensure that both you, the client, and we, the consultant, are apprised of any developments that may affect the project’s outcome. This ensures a ‘no surprises’ approach through the duration of the work.
  Phase 1: Consultation & Situation Analysis
    Task 1:
Convene Start-Up Meeting
Meet the Steering Committee (i.e., FACE) to review the work plan in detail, making decisions regarding:
• Key individuals to be interviewed
• Relevant background reports, studies, data, etc.
• Community and organization surveys (see Tasks 5 and 7)
Overall timeframe of the project
• Frequency of regular update meetings with the Steering Committee
• Other matters as required
At the conclusion of this meeting, we will draft a letter of understanding outlining any
agreed-to modifications to our proposed work plan
Deliverable: Project Work Plan
   Task 2:
Review Relevant Background Materials
Review all relevant background materials and data, including, but not limited to:
• Town of Three Rivers Brudenell Official Plan
• Town of Three Rivers Financial Plan 2020-2021
• Budgets and user statistics on existing cultural assets (Garden of the Gulf
Museum; Kings Playhouse; Roma at Three Rivers National Historic Site; Cardigan Heritage Centre; Georgetown, Montague and Cardigan libraries, etc.)
 6 TCI Management Consultants

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