Page 9 - THree River Arts & Cuture Startegy Proposal from TCI
P. 9

   Task 9:
Develop Situation Analysis Report
Develop Situation Analysis Report, collating and synthesizing all data collection inputs. The Report will contain the following:
• Summary results of all data collection activities (as described above)
• A Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) assessment of
the arts and culture landscape of the community
• Preliminary suggestions as to arts and culture supports to be contained in the
Deliverable: Situation Analysis Report
   Task 10:
Convene Steering Committee Meeting
Convene a special Steering Committee meeting to discuss the findings and preliminary conclusions contained in the Situation Analysis Report
  Phase 2: Develop Arts & Culture Strategy
    Task 11:
Develop Preliminary Arts & Culture Strategy
Building on the Situation Analysis Report, the Strategy will propose recommendations for the Town to support and facilitate the development of Three Rivers’ arts and culture sector.
We propose a five-year Strategy. The Strategy’s structure, as outlined in the Terms of Reference, would contain the following:
• Vision and long-term goals
• Organizational roles, relationships and structures
• Funding structures
• Sustainable facilities management
• Best practice recommendations
• Strategies for achieving goals
• Preliminary implementation timeline
Deliverable: Preliminary Arts & Culture Strategy
   Task 12:
Facilitate Online Workshop Session
Facilitate an online workshop session, likely a half-day in length, to review the Preliminary Strategy and its proposed recommendations
• Participants to include the Project Steering Committee, plus an extended group of stakeholders from the arts and cultural community
• We would facilitate and moderate the session; Town staff would identify participants and coordinate participation
   Task 13: Refine the Strategy
Refine and revise the Strategy, based on discussions and input from the online workshop session
 8 TCI Management Consultants

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