Page 11 - THree River Arts & Cuture Startegy Proposal from TCI
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3. Work Schedule
The Gantt chart on the following page shows the sequence of tasks involved in the project. As the chart shows, the work can theoretically be completed within the two-month timeframe outlined in the Terms of Reference.
That said, we do not recommend attempting a work plan of this complexity within a two-month timeframe. Doing so would demand extraordinary time-management adherence on the part of all parties - especially community stakeholders - on whom the development of the Strategy depends. Added to this reality, meeting a two-month timeframe would require that no vicissitudes of the COVID pandemic interfere, at any time, with the development of the work plan.
In our view, based on our professional experience, an extended timeframe would be preferable to ensure that optimal planning outcomes are achieved. Typically, a cultural strategy of this scope and dimension - relying on extensive stakeholder participation and an iterative process - would be conducted over a three to four-month timeframe.
Moreover, implementation of the Strategy will occur over a period of years. Only modest impacts from a Strategy that is unveiled in the spring of 2021 are likely to affect Three Rivers’ arts and culture sector during the 2021 summer season.
10 TCI Management Consultants