Page 9 - The Voice_Fall 2017
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Syn-Lod 2017

Syn-Lod 2017 took place in St. Louis Missouri. This was an EPIC event for the Teens!
The Teens were able to enjoy a most comfortable stay at the beautiful St. Louis Station Hotel.
The Teens were able to conduct the business of the organizations during their Plenary session to include nominating and
electing the National Officers for 2017-2019. The 2017-2019 officers are Teen Benjamin Chapman: National TTA President;
Teen Sheena Dean: National TTA 1st Vice President; Teen Ashley Campbell: National TTA 2nd Vice President; Teen Karly
Miller: National TTA Recording Secretary; Teen Aria Bryan: National TTA Assistant Recording Secretary; Teen Jamarra
Cook: National TTA Financial Secretary; Teen Nathaniel Cook: National TTA Treasurer; Teen Milton Henderson: National
TTA Historian; Teen Joshua Sam: National TTA Chaplain; Teen Jania Kirksey: National TTA Parliamentarian and Teen
Joshua White: National TTA Sergeant-At-Arms.
The Teens had the incredible opportunity to tour the Court House where Dred and Harriett Scott sued for their freedom.
The Teens were able to go into the courtroom, sit in the Judges chair as well as try on his robe. The Teen were able to see
how Dred and Harriett Scott lived where the court house had cased artifacts of their belongings. The Teens were able to
watch a video of Dred and Harriett Scott life and the history of their law suit for freedom. This opportunity to visit the
courthouse was very special to the Teens. The Teens work extremely hard to assist the Dred Scott Foundation with paying
off the balance for the having a statue built in the likeness of Dred and Harriett Scott. The Teens were able to raise
approximately $11,000.00.
The Teens were able to raise funds for our new partner: St. Jude. St. Jude is leading the way the world understands, treats and
defeats childhood cancer and other life-threatening diseases. To date the Teens under the leadership of Lady Mavis Merritt
was able to raise approximately $63,000.00. The mission of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is to advance cures, and
means of prevention, for pediatric catastrophic diseases through research and treatment. Consistent with the vision of our
founder Danny Thomas, no child is denied treatment based on race, religion or a family's ability to pay.
Under the leadership of Lady Jacqueline Fortune-Carter led the Teens in raised approximately $61,518.00 to date. During
Syn-Lod 2017 the well-loved and oh so fun Jail and Bail was in full effect. Ladies and Teens were arrested and jailed.
Participants had 48 hours to post a $25.00 bail. The Teens were able to raise approximately $1,259.00 during Syn-Lod 2017
The Teens were honored to have in their presence Top Teen Ambassadors: Le’zaire reese, Cameron Bouligny and Kerry
Jones. The Teen Ambassadors had the awesome opportunities to share with the Teens their first year experiences at College.
They were able to share the Good the Bad and the FUN of college. The Teens also discuss the differences of Historical
Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) verses Predominately White Colleges and Universities (PWCU). The Teens led a
great discuss.
The Teens as well as their chapters were able to compete in several competitions as well as a Talent Show and the Literacy
Café. One thing for Certain and two things for sure top Teens of America are Smart, Talented and Gifted!!!

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