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It is our pleasure and privilege to welcome you to the 2016 Temple Israel
celebration of L’Dor V’Dor. We extend a whole hearted Mazel Tov to each of our
distinguished and deserving honorees. This event is the first of its kind for us
since Superstorm Sandy devastated our community in 2012 and from which we
are still attempting to recover.

We thank the Dinner Co-Chairpersons Pamela and Steven Garfinkle, Robin
Garfinkle Mahler and Remy Peysner, as well as the entire dinner committee, for
their diligent work that has made this evening such a success.

We also extend a special thank you to Stephen and Eve Milstein, and Sy Ulan, of
Blessed Memory, for their commitment and generosity to Temple Israel and for
serving as Honorary Chairpersons tonight.

A special Yasher Koach to Tom Heiss and Joy Leffler, Journal Chairpersons, who
virtually single handedly created, designed, produced, printed and donated this
beautiful color journal. Without their support this financial success would not
have been possible.

In addition we extend our gratitude to Elliott Federman, our office administrator,
and Marcie Livingston, former office manager who has returned from retirement
as a volunteer to contribute her time and abilities for our benefit. We would be
remiss if we didn’t thank Joel Gleicher for the countless hours he also volunteers
to “keep us going and growing”. Finally, our thanks to Rabbi Stephen B. Dresner
and Harry Sealine for their untiring efforts to maintain the religious integrity of
our services and Congregation.

It is our belief that based on the outpouring of support and continued dedication
and commitment to Temple Israel from those with roots dating back to the
original construction as well as those who may have just recently been introduced
to us…….Temple Israel will thrive, grow and continue to serve the Jewish people
and Long Beach community for the next 90 years as it has for the past 90 years.

We thank you for helping us to make our future possible.

Neal D. Peysner                 Mark I. Samuels

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