Page 35 - Cannon Globe Trotter 3Roda
P. 35


                                                                 A D D I T I O N A L   P R O D U C T   B R O C H U R E S

                                                                CANNON DATACAMPUS & PODS:
                                                                ‘Cannon Data Campus’ is a high performance low
                                                                PUE, resilient data centre, built using modern
                                                                technology to provide an expandable facility,
                                                                comprising individual modules, each with a
                                                                dedicated purpose, maximising efficiency.
                                                                The Modular Cannon Data Campus range offers
                                                                two major advantages :-
                                                                 Exceptional financial advantages for investors.
                                                                 Greatly improved facility performance across
                                                                  all critical operational metrics.
                                                                Download a PDF copy from our website:
                                                       or request your copy

                                                                CANNON GLOBE TROTTER:

                                                                “Cannon GLOBE TROTTER” comprises the small
                                                                capacity, transportable Modular Data Centre
                                                                range which is complimentary to “Cannon Data
                                                                Campus” multi-megawatt modular facilities.

                                                                Download a PDF copy from our website:
                                                       or request your copy

                                                                CANNON INTEGRATED OUTDOOR SOLUTIONS:

                                                                Cannon are at the forefront in the development
                                                                of secure, high dependability and innovative
                                                                designs of outdoor cabinets & enclosures.  Our
                                                                close collaboration with major communication
                                                                providers has resulted in products providing
                                                                security and environmental protection for
                                                                sensitive electronics.
                                                                These cabinets can vary in size, from relatively
                                                                small street-side cabinets to large walk-in cabins
                                                                located trackside, on train platforms, green field
                                                                sites, street-side etc.
                                                                Download a PDF copy from our website:
                                                       or request your copy

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