Page 9 - Indoor Quality 3Roda
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school closed because of mould, an environmental   paint, asbestos, ventilation, and rodent and pest
           group called the issue, “just the tip of the toxic   dander, all in a school system with $5 billion in
           iceberg,” pointing to city-wide problems with lead   outstanding repairs. 52


           It’s hard to learn (or teach) when you have a runny   Nationwide, more U.S. schools will find
           nose, watery eyes, or a skin rash or you’re feeling   themselves contending with student and staff
           dizzy or nauseous. Allergy symptoms like these keep   allergies, as climate change drives both higher
           10,000 American children home on any given school    pollen counts and longer pollen seasons. Studies
           day.  Many allergens are the same substances that    confirm a strong link between rising temperatures
           trigger asthma symptoms: mould, VOCs, dust mites,    and pollen-fueled allergies. “I think there’s
           pollen, and rodent and cockroach droppings. Studies   irrefutable data,” asserts allergist Jeffrey Demain,
           show these contaminants are prevalent in schools, as   M.D., director of the Allergy, Asthma, and
           airborne allergens stick to dust particles that burrow   Immunology Center of Alaska. 55
           into carpets and upholstery.
                                                              Some allergens are emitted by students themselves
           When Baylor College of Medicine researchers        — well, by their vaping devices. Despite crackdowns
           collected dust samples from classrooms at 41       by administrators, an estimated 3 million U.S.
           elementary schools in Detroit, Houston, and        students vape at school.  A CDC Report found
           Birmingham, they found dust mite and cockroach     e-cigarette use among high school seniors nearly
           allergens in all the rooms, often at exceedingly high   doubled in one year, from 11% in 2017 to 21% in
           levels. “We have demonstrated that schools may be   2018, with dramatic increases among 10th graders
           important sources of direct allergen exposure for   and middle schoolers as well. 57
           children,” the scientists concluded.
                                                              “Students have vaping devices that look like a flash
                                                              drive, so you don’t know whether they’re using
               We have demonstrated                           Google docs or vaping in math class,” says school
                                                              nurse Mary Ellen Conley. “Depending on what
           that schools may be important                      chemical product is used to flavor and scent the

           sources of direct allergen                         product, the aerosol can be an irritant.”
           exposure for children.
                                                              According to the CDC, vaping aerosol may expose
                                                              nonusers to ultrafine particulates, VOCs, and other
           In the study, elementary-school libraries and      allergens. Students may be vulnerable to even low
           classrooms with upholstered furniture, large floor   chemical concentrations, the CDC says, “because of
           pillows, and piles of books harbored higher levels   their smaller body weight and developing respiratory
           of allergens than upper-grade rooms. As the        systems.” Aerosol components also can settle on
           researchers noted, elementary kids are “typically   surfaces and become absorbed through a student’s
           more physically active in schoolrooms, thus        skin.
           increasing air turbulence.”
                                                              Tobacco residue at school can exacerbate allergies
           Even well-maintained buildings with excellent      as well. Though cigarette smoking has declined on
           cleaning protocols are prone to collecting allergens,   school campuses, 34 million American adults still
           simply because of where they are located.          smoke, and children who live in smoking households
                                                              unwittingly bring tobacco residue, known as third-
           “We’re in one of the worst pockets in the U.S. in   hand smoke, to school via their skin, hair, clothing,
           terms of pollen and allergies,” says Paul Ziegler of   and backpacks.
           EducationPlus in the St. Louis area. “We have huge
           temperature swings. It could be 70 today and 20    This residue, considered “a danger to children” by
           tomorrow.”                                         the American Academy of Pediatrics, does not sit

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