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idle. Particles can attach to airborne pollutants, “Tobacco residue can lead to respiratory issues like
generating a noxious brew of compounds call coughing, asthma, and respiratory tract infections,”
nitrosamines. These compounds, in turn, can be according to the National Center for Health
propelled airborne, circulated via a building’s air- Research.
conditioning system, and inhaled or swallowed. 60
Norovirus, known as the “winter vomiting virus,” is Some norovirus particles
the most common stomach bug in the U.S., and its
symptoms are brutal: abdominal cramps, diarrhea, will remain afloat indefinitely
projectile vomiting, pounding headache, achy and can easily be inhaled.
Students and staff can contract the virus by touching
The virus makes headlines at high-profile events, like these surfaces and then touching their mouths or by
the 2008 winter Olympics or the 2016 Republican sharing contaminated food.
National Convention, but it also causes hundreds of
school outbreaks each year. When norovirus struck “Norovirus can hang around for weeks, so anyone
Utah’s Jordan School District, 15% of students at that touches that table and then puts their hand
three elementary schools called in sick. In Yolo to their mouth could be at risk for infection,” says
County, California, 4,266 students and staff at 32 norovirus researcher Lee-Ann Jaykus, Ph.D., a
schools were hit by the virus, prompting an official to professor at North Carolina State University. 65
announce, “The number of sick people is increasing
every day at a very alarming rate.” Infected students are contagious the moment they
begin feeling sick and typically remain contagious for
Norovirus is so contagious that inhaling as few as two to three days after they recover. However, the
10 viral particles can cause infection; to put this in virus remains in the stool a lot longer. As the CDC
perspective, a single vomiting episode can release notes, “You may still be able to spread norovirus for
more than 13,000. Some will remain afloat two weeks or more after you feel better.” 66
indefinitely and can easily be inhaled. Other particles
will land on tables, toilet handles, door knobs, and After a norovirus outbreak, school custodians must
other surfaces. follow strict cleaning protocols involving bleach
solutions, as the virus is impervious to common
Inhaling as few as
10 viral particles can cause norovirus
and a single vomiting episode
can release more than 13,000 particles.
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