Page 13 - Indoor Quality 3Roda
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Air purification systems also can reduce levels of   space due to the emittance of harmful by-products.
           particulate matter and other outdoor pollutants that   An alternate solution — one that operates
           inevitably make their way into school buildings and   continuously — deploys ultra-low energy plasma to
           trigger asthma symptoms.                           destroy airborne pathogens, neutralize VOCs, and
                                                              reduce particulate. The technology is easily deployed
           Several air-cleaning options, like UV and peroxide   and safe for continuous use around students and
           gas systems, cannot be deployed in an occupied     staff.


           No magic bullet can purge a school building of     Novaerus portable plasma technology is used in
           pathogens and pollutants. However, a                      thousands of facilities around the world
           combination of strategies can pay                             and has been shown in dozens of
           off tremendously. Bob Molisani,                                  independent studies to remove
           superintendent of a New York school                                viruses, bacteria, mould spores,
           district, led his district in a multi-                              VOCs and odours from indoor air.
           step initiative to reduce infection
           spread and chemical exposure,                                        When a dismal flu season
           with the ultimate goal of improving                                  caused high absenteeism
           attendance.                                                          rates at neighbouring schools,
                                                                               Molisani’s district recorded stellar
           The district modernised its cleaning                               attendance. Says Molisani: “It’s an
           protocols for desktops, doorknobs,                               inexpensive investment that can truly
           faucet handles, computer keyboards and                       pay dividends.”
           other surfaces, even upgrading the microfibers
           used on floors and tables and purchasing new       Some 56 million children spend their days inside
           restroom soap dispensers. Teachers and students    elementary and secondary schools. These students,
           received extra training on handwashing technique.  as the Harvard report notes, “cannot perform well if
                                                              they are not present physically.”
           In addition, the district installed HVAC air
           purification devices in every classroom, gym, chorus   By upgrading air and surface cleaning protocols,
           room, cafeteria, and office, as well as Novaerus   schools dramatically reduce the chemical and
           portable air purification devices in the nurse and   biological contaminants that contribute to illness
           district offices.                                  among students and, ultimately, to the absenteeism
                                                              crisis plaguing our schools.

                    Learn more about portable air dis-infection technology at

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