Page 10 - Cannon Data Campus Brochure 3Roda
P. 10


                                                                                    B EY O N D  T H E  A V ER A G E

        CANNON POCKET MODULES                                     FIRE DETECTION AND SUPPRESSION

        A highly versatile free space sub-module which adds       Since Cannon module deployments provide physical
        many advantageous benefits for facility managers.         isolation of groups of components, they have a

        The Cannon Pocket Module is a unique to Cannon, sub       helpful inherent impact on fire containment. The
        module which is available in any Cannon Data centre       modularisation of data centres enables fire to be
        facility.                                                 more readily contained and reduces the potential
                                                                  for fire spread and smoke damage. Modules have an
        The Cannon Pocket Module provides a valuable space        even greater ability than traditional data centres to
        allocation within any Rack Row. The standard pocket is    smother fire with all systems/vents shut and can
        200 wide (8 inches) and extends the whole depth of the    prevent or retard the spread of fire from a module
        Racks comprising the Row, typically 1000 or 1200 deep.    outward or from the outside inward. This isolation
                                                                  may allow the module to be reused/refurbished in a
                                                                  relatively short time period following a fire at the
             Cannon Pocket Modules can
               be built into almost any
             position in any Cannon Rack

                                                                       Fire and security systems
                                                                       monitor 24/7 and provide
                                                                           peace of mind.

        USAGE                                                     ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND FUTURE PROOFING

        The Cannon Pocket Module provides a range of              The modular approach enables the use of pre-
        opportunities, for the installation of;                   fabricated and pre-engineered modules. The

         Additional "Cannon Cool" Within Row cooling units,      process of pre-engineering, when applied
           for cooling upgrades.                                  appropriately results in more efficient and
         Patching space (vertically mounted patch panels).       repeatable designs.
         Secure, convenient storage lockers (front and rear      Cannon solutions are:
           access), lockable.
         Monitoring equipment and instrumentation                 Highly efficient when measured against
           installation.                                             alternative designs and approaches.
         Sliding Aisle door systems for segregation of Data       Highly efficient when used for their intended
           Hall space (division)                                     purpose(s).
         Fire suppression bottle storage (reducing pipe run      Long-term energy efficiency of a module provides
           lengths and for adding capacity).                      the ability to more easily introduce newer and more
         Vertical support columns to support additional heavy    efficient parts or modules, as part of an ongoing
           roof loads (avoiding Aisle obstruction).               refresh cycle. Assuming the selected module is
         Security recorders, avoiding the use of IT Racks.       designed to allow exchanges and upgrades of

        Cannon Pocket modules can be as frequent as desired       equipment, it will be easier to swap or upgrade a
        in any Cannon Data Centre Facility, if specified at       module than in a traditional facility. These upgrades
        original build design and can add significantly to the all   can further be aligned to IT refresh cycles, enabling
        round effectiveness of the Data Centre, resolving many    both more efficient facilities and IT architectures to
        operating issues.                                         be deployed as they are adopted.

                 T :   + 44( 0) 142 5 632600   |  CA N N ON T E CH . CO. U K   |  S A LE S @ CA N N ON T E CH . CO. U K
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