Page 128 - Grammar Basic_Neat
P. 128



                  A/AN: is the indefinite article, used before
                            singular countable nouns

                   A sister          A house            A car

                   An uncle          An apartment       An umbrella

                 THE: is the definite article, used before both
                  singular countable, plural countable nouns
                             and uncountable nouns

                  The sister                  The house

                  The sisters                 The houses

                  The information             The transport

           CASES use A/AN

                  A/AN: is the indefinite article, used before
                            singular countable nouns

                  A: is used before a consonant sound
            A sister           A car             A house

            NOTE: Some words that begin with a vowel letter in writing
            have a consonant sound:

            University /ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsəti/    → A university

            United group /juˈnaɪtɪd/       → A united group

            One-year-old child /wʌn/       → A one-year-old child

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