Page 155 - Grammar Basic_Neat
P. 155



                                          MAY vs MIGHT

            #1 Both to express (future) possibility

            I might go to the movies tonight.
            He's very good, in fact, I think he may win the competition.

            -   “Might” is used more frequently than  “May” in spoken English.
            -   “Might” often implies a smaller chance of ST happening
                   + It may rain (70% chance)
                      + It might rain. (40% chance)


                                          MAY vs MIGHT

            #2 Both to give permission
            If you have finished the exam, you may leave the room.
            You might take only one brochure.

            #3 Both to ask for permission
             May I sit next to you?

            NOTE: Might could also be used to request permission but it sounds
            very old and is not common.

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