Page 32 - Wings CRS Recruiting Booklet SM_Neat
P. 32



            THE COWBOY                                                                      Hill Country
            CAPITAL OF THE                                                                  State Natural
            WORLD                                                                           Area

            Known as                                                                        10600 Bande-
            the “Cowboy                                                                     ra Creek Rd.,
            Capital of the                                                                  Bandera, 78003
            World,” this                                                                    830-796-4413,
            city has more                                                                   512-389-8900
            dude ranches,                                                                   (reservations)
            champion ro-                                                                    tpwd.state.tx-
            deo cowboys,                                                                    .us/state-parks/
            and old-time                                                                    hill-country
            Texas honky-                                                                    Enjoy Hill Coun-
            tonks per capi-                                                                 try beauty at
            ta than most other places                                           this primitive 5,400-acre
            on the globe.                     Frontier Times Museum
                                                                                park as you take advan-
            Visit all the historic sites      510 13th St., Bandera,            tage of 40 miles of multi-
            downtown, including the           78003 830-796-3864,               purpose trails designed
            Frontier Times Museum.             for hiking, biking, and
            Gunfighters and Western           The best word for this            equestrian use. Spend
            entertainers perform              museum is “eclectic.”             the night at one of the
            every Saturday, March                                               many primitive campsites,
            through November.                 You might come across             specially equipped eques-
                                              vintage cowboy items,
            Work on acquiring your            artifacts from Judge Roy          trian campsites, or the
                                                                                group lodge. Fishing and
            Western wardrobe on               Bean’s court, a stuffed           swimming in the creek
            Main Street at one of             two-headed goat, or a             pools are permitted if wa-
            the many Western wear             South American shrunk-            ter levels are sufficient.
            stores, then wet your             en head—not to mention
            whistle and hear some             artwork and a collection
            live music at one of the          of 400 bells from around
            refurbished saloons in            the world.


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