Page 35 - Wings CRS Recruiting Booklet SM_Neat
P. 35



           Castroville was established in     After a few hard years, the town  Today, though, native speakers
           1844 by Henri Castro, an empre-    and surrounding farms flour-      of Alsatian are dying out, and
           sario of the Republic of Texas,    ished; although for generations,  fewer of the town’s residents
           who brought several dozen Eu-      the residents remained insular.   can trace their ancestry back
           ropean families to the area from  In Castroville’s first century, a   to the original Castro Colo-
           Alsace and adjoining Baden to      visitor would be more likely to   nists. The suburbs of nearby
           populate his land grant along      hear Alsatian — a dialect spo-    San Antonio are encroaching,
           the Medina River 20 miles west     ken in Europe before Standard     and much of the town has been
                                              German was prevalent — than       made a national historic district
                                              English spoken in the town’s      to preserve the unique, sloped-
                                              homes, stores, and taverns.       roof architecture of dozens of
                                              Modern Alsatian travelers         original Alsatian homes and
                                              noted that the dialect spoken in  shops.
                                              Castroville was more like that
                                              which was spoken in the 1840s.    The Steinbach Haus (originally
                                              The descendants of the original   built between 1618 and 1648 in
                                              settlers worked diligently to     Wahlbach, France) was disman-
                                              preserve their language, which    tled and reconstructed in Cas-
                                              has slowly been eradicated in     troville in 1998. It was opened
           of San Antonio. The first colo-    Europe by political actions of    to the public in 2002.
           nists disembarked at Galveston     France and Germany, especially    Castroville is a sister city of
           on January 9, 1843. They were      since World War II.               Ensisheim (Alsace) in France.
           taken by ship to Lavaca Bay and
           traveled overland to San Anto-
           nio, where they took shelter in
           abandoned buildings until the
           Texas Rangers were prepared
           to escort them to their land and
           protect them from hostile Indi-
           ans. On September 2, 1844, the
           first colonists arrived at Cas-
           tro’s land grant on the Medina
           From 1849, Castroville, on the
           Medina River was a water stop
           on the San Antonio-El Paso
           Road and a stagecoach station
           on the San Antonio-El Paso Mail
           Line and San Antonio-San Diego
           Mail Line.


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