Page 40 - Wings CRS Recruiting Booklet SM_Neat
P. 40



           The Texas Hill Country is a        desert spoon, and wildflow-       quake along the Balcones
           geographical region located        ers in the Llano Uplift. The      Fault.
           in the Edwards Plateau at          predominant trees in the
           the crossroads of West Tex-        region are ashe juniper and       Several tributaries of the
           as, Central Texas, and South       Texas live oak.                   Colorado River of Texas
           Texas. Given its geographical                                        — including the Llano and
           location, terrain features,        Bound on the east by the          Pedernales rivers, which
           and native vegetation, the         Balcones Escarpment, the          cross the region west to east
           Hill Country could be con-         Hill Country reaches into         and join the Colorado as it
                                              the far northern portions of
                                                                                cuts across the region to the
           sidered the beginning or
           end of the American South-         San Antonio and the west-         southeast – drain a large
           west (depending on which           ern portions of Austin. As a      portion of the Hill Country.
           direction one is traveling).       result of springs discharging  The Guadalupe, San Antonio,
           The region is notable for its      water stored in the Edwards       Frio, Medina, and Nueces
           karst topography and tall          Aquifer, several cities such      rivers originate in the Hill
           rugged hills of limestone          as Austin, San Marcos, and        Country.
           or granite. Many of the hills      New Braunfels were settled        This region is a dividing line
           rise to a height of 400-500        at the base of the Balcones       for certain species occur-
           feet above the surround-           Escarpment. The region’s          rence. For example, the
           ing plains and valleys, with       economy is one of the fast-       California Fan Palm (Wash-
           Packsaddle Mountain rising         est growing in the United         ingtonia filifera) is the only
           to a height of 800 feet above      States.                           species of palm tree that
           the Llano River in Kingsland.  Because of its karst topog-           is native to the continental
           The Hill Country also in-          raphy, the area also features  United States west of the Hill
           cludes the Llano Uplift and        a number of caverns, such as  Country’s Balcones Fault.
           the second-largest granite         Inner Space Caverns, Natu-
           dome in the United States,         ral Bridge Caverns, Brack-        The region has hot summers,
           Enchanted Rock. The terrain        en Cave, Longhorn Cavern          particularly in July and Au-
           throughout the region is           State Park, Cascade Caverns,      gust, and even the nighttime
           punctuated by a thin layer of  Caverns of Sonora and Cave            temperatures remain high,
           topsoil and a large number         Without a Name. The deep-         as the elevation is modest
           of exposed rocks and boul-         er caverns of the area form       despite the hilly terrain.
           ders, making the region very  several aquifers which serve           Winter temperatures are
           dry and prone to flash flood- as a source of drinking water          sometimes as much as ten
           ing. Native vegetation in          for the residents of the area.    degrees cooler than in other
           the region includes various        Wonder Cave in San Marcos         parts of Texas to the east.
           yucca, prickly pear cactus,        was formed by an earth-

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