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Thanks to all who assisted with information, advice, and locating and loan of exhibits:
ALBA Pharmacy | Anat Almog | The American Colony Archive Collections, The American Colony Hotel, Jerusalem:
Rachel Lev | American Colony Photo Service, Matson Collection, Library of Congress Prints and Photographs
Division, Washington D.C. | Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem: His Holiness, Archbishop Nourhan Manougian,
Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem, Rev. Fr. Norayr Kazazian, Director Gulbenkian Library, Shahan Koseyan | Prof.
Ami Ayalon | Itay Bahur Publishing | Bank of Israel Museum, Jerusalem: Lior Lichtman | Smadar Barak | Etty
Ben-Yaacov | Muriel and Philip Berman Medical Library, Hebrew University of Jerusalem: Sharon Lenga, Yifat
Albahari, Prof. Emeritus Samuel Kottek, M.D | Bloomfield Science Museum, Jerusalem | Levana Ben David | Moria
Brautbar | Lasser Buchheim | A Cast of Iron Legacy Museum: Boaz Kretschmer | Christ Church Jerusalem and
the Anglican International School: Aaron Eime, Maureen Grimshaw, David Pileggi | Central Laboratories, Health
Ministry, Jerusalem: Dr Vered Agmon | Central Zionist Archives, Jerusalem: Anat Banin, Batia Leshem, Roy Noy,
Dr Yigal Sitry | Dr Zipora Cochavi-Rainey | Custody of the Holy Land, Jerusalem: The Most Rev. Fra Pierbattista
Pizzaballa OFM - Custos of the Holy Land, Fra. Dobromir Jasztal OFM, Fra Sergio Galdi OFM, Fra Prof. Eugenio
Alliata OFM, Fra. Lionel Gohofm, Fra Stéphane Milovich OFM, Sister Naomi Zimmermann, Diana Kattan, Archive
of the Custody of the Holy Land: Fr. Sergey Loktionov OFM, Fra Narcyz Klimas OFM | Classical Numismatic Group,
Inc., | Council of the Sephardi and Oriental Communities in Jerusalem: Dr Abraham Haim,
Ezra Gil, Dania Haim | Fra. Dr Jean-Michel de Tarragon, Ecole Biblique et archéologique française de Jerusalem
| Prof. Yoel Donchin M.D | Eretz-Israel Museum, Tel-Aviv: Dr Etan Ayalon, Rivka Calderon, Cecilia Meir | Private
archive – Nomi Eshhar, daughter of Dr Günter Friedlander, founder of Teva, Jerusalem, 1935 | Dr Yoav Farhi |
Avraham Freyhan | Hanna Freyhan | Avraham Israel Gelis | Dr Uriel Gellman | Dov Genachowski | General Chevra
Kadisha Jerusalem Prushim | Dr Eyal Ginio | Dr Zalman Greenberg, Microbiologist, historian of medicine in
Eretz Israel | William L. Gross | Hansen House, Center of Design, Media and Technology, Jerusalem: Ruth Peled,
Ruth Wexler | Zvi Hauser | Tamar Hayardeni| Hecht Museum, University of Haifa: Ofra Rimon | George Hintlian
| Institute of Archeology, Hebrew University, Mount Scopus, Jerusalem: Dr Orit Peleg-Barkat, Daphna Tsoran
| Israel Antiquities Authority: Debora Ben-Ami, Dr Doron Ben Ami, Dr Zvi Greenhut, Galit Litani, Dr Orit Peleg,
Navit Popovich, Alegre Savariego, Dr Michael Sebbane, Dr Orit Shamir, Adi Ziv | The Israel Museum, Jerusalem:
Dr Eran Arie, Na’ama Brosh, Dr Haim Gitler, Fawzi Ibrahim, Elena Magid, Osnat Misch-Brandl, Yaniv Schauer,
Timna Seligman, Ronit Sorek | The Israeli Society for the History of Medicine | Prof. Miron Izakson | Orni Izakson
| Jerusalem AIDS Project [JAIP]: Dr Inon Schenker | Jerusalem City Archive-Jerusalem Municipality: Michael
Mahler, Dror Tzalik, Efraim Levy | The Isaac Kaplan Old Yishuv Court Museum: Ora Pikel-Tzabari | Dr Dana P. Kedar
| Prof. Nurith Kenaan Kedar | Leorah and David Kroyanker | Dieter Lange, Germany | Dr Zvi Malachi | Prof. Yona
Mahler | Nadav Mann, Bitmuna | The Museum for the History of Radiology, Kaplan Medical Center, School of
Radiology and Imaging, Rehovot: David Tueta | Museum of the Order of St. John, London: Tom Foakes, Abigail
Turner | Museum of the Church of St. Anne, Jerusalem: Father Pol Vonck, Father Frans Bouwen | Yaeli Meyuhas,
the Meyuhas Family Collection, from the estate of Yosef Meyuhas (1920-2003) chronicler of the family history
| Yitzhak Meyuhas | Ministry of Culture and Sport, Museums and Plastic Arts Department: Idit Amihai, Shlomit
Nemlich | Dr Arie Morgenstern | The Mount of Olives Information Center: Sara Barnea, Daniel Shani | Beny
Nachmias | Dr Mordecai Naor | The National Library, Jerusalem: Maayan Almagor, Dr Hezi Amiur, Dr Idan Pérez,
Zmira Reuveni, Oren Weinberg | The National Library, Tbilisi, Georgia | The National Natural History Collections
at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem: Dr Ariel Chipman, Dr Efrat Gavish-Regev, Dr Boaz Shacham | Gal Komem
| Neot Kedumim, The Biblical Landscape Reserve in Israel | Issachar Dov Pollak | Irène Pollak-Rein | Dr Daniel
and Denise Rein | Israel Rosenberg | The Rosenberg Museum of Medicine, Ben Gurion University of the Negev,
Beer Sheva: Prof. Lior Rosenberg, MD, Prof. Shifra Shvarts | Dr Jonathan Rubin | Garo Sandrouni | Ely Schiller,
Ariel Publishing House | Dr Norbert Schwake | The Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem: Prof. Jonathan
Halevy, Sharon Alter, Marla Haruni, Tzina Lindenberg, Dr Ofer Merin, Uri Schwarz | Prof. Zipora Shehory-Rubin
| Shevet Achim, Jerusalem: Madelyn Miles, Jonathan Miles, Joshua Miles | Prof. Margalit Shilo | The Society for
the Heritage of World War 1 in Israel | Henrietta Szold Hadassah - Hebrew University School of Nursing at the
Faculty of Medicine, Jerusalem: Dr Nira Bartal, RN, Dr Miri Rom, Judith Steiner–Freud RN, Daniela Kravitz | St.
Louis French Hospital, Jerusalem: Sister Monika Dullmann | Margarete Steiff GmbH Archives, Germany| Dr
Haim Perluk| Tagger Pharmacy: Yigal Taggar | Yasmin and Shay Talmon | Temple Mount Sifting Project: Zachi
Dvira | United Hevra Kadisha for Sephardi and Oriental Communities in Jerusalem: Avraham Gila | Waddesdon
Manor Archive at Windmill Hill, UK: Catherine M. Taylor, Colette Warbrick, Rachel Jacobs | Rachel and Dr Josef
Wallach | Dr Yair Wallach | Lenny Wolf | Verena Wulf | Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi, Jerusalem: Edna Assis, Moti Ben-Ari,
Dr Reuven Gafni, Renana Zer-Kavod, Shoshana and Asher Halevi Photo Archives of Eretz Israel and Jerusalem:
Dr Lavi Shay, Yehuda Achi Miriam | Ovadia Yeroushalmi | Dafna Yudelevitch | Eran Zirman | Joe Zias | Chedva
Zohar | Shmaia Zohar
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