Page 235 - Peamim 136
P. 235
PE'AMIM – Quarterly for the Study of Oriental Jewry
136, Summer 2013
Published by the Ben-Zvi Institute of Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi
and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Ministry
of Education, Pedagogical Secretariat, the Center for the
Integration of the Oriental Jewish Heritage
Editorial Board:Yom Tov Assis (chair), Jacob Barnai,
Tova Beeri, Ram Ben-Shalom, Haggai Ben-Shammai,
Miriam Frenkel, Daniel Lasker, Shalom Sabar, Zvi Zohar
Editorial Council: Meir M. Bar-Asher (chair) and
members of the Editorial Board, Michel Abitbol, Moshe
Bar-Asher, Menahem Ben-Sasson, Itzhak Bezalel, Joseph
Chetrit, Eyal Ginio,Yosef Gorni, Moshe Idel, Nahem Ilan,
Steven Kaplan,Yosef Kaplan, David Malkiel, Aharon Maman,
Shalom Ratzabi, Uzi Rebhun, Ora Schwarzwald, Edwin
Seroussi, Shaul Shaked, Amnon Shiloah, Eliezer Shmueli,
Sarah Stroumsa, Jacob Yaniv, Moshe Zafrani
Copy editing:Varda Lehnardt
Photo research: Avigail Ben Simhon
Graphic concept: Noam Schechter
Layout and printing: Art Plus
ISSN 0334-4088
© All rights reserved to the Ben-Zvi Institute
This issue is published with the assistance of the Izhak Leib
and Rachel Goldberg Fund
Editorial Office:
Ben-Zvi Institute, 14 Ibn Gabirol, P.O.B. 7660, Jerusalem
91076, Israel
Tel. 972-2-5398844; Fax 972-2-5612329