Page 360 - להפוך לבולגרים / קונפורטי
P. 360

Abstract  ‫  ׀‬xiii

their possessions, their status declined and they vanished from the
political sphere. The Jewish street had become Zionist.

   During 1960's the leaders of the Zionist movement in Bulgaria
wrote the history of their movement. However, they failed to
address a significant topic: Why did the massive emigration of
Bulgarian Jews to the State of Israel occur immediately after its
establishment? After all, in the years before Israel was established,
Bulgarian Jews were not persecuted, their economic situation was
satisfactory and they loved the country in which they were born.
This subject awaits examination and any scholar studying the
Bulgarian Jewry between the two World Wars and the following
periods will have to address this aspect as well.
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