Page 364 - להפוך לבולגרים / קונפורטי
P. 364

Abstract  ‫  ׀‬ix

   The groundwork for a national Jewish leadership was laid
in 1884, in the form of the Consistory, an entity designed to
introduce modernism to the Jews of Bulgaria. A rabbi, a graduate
of a rabbinical seminar in Central Europe, was chosen to be its
leader. The authorities were hesitant to approve this action, but were
eventually persuaded — they realized they needed Sophia’s Jewish
population to agree to relocate the city center to the suburbs, in
order to establish Sophia as a modern capital. Sophia’s Notables set
out to Vienna and Paris in search of recommendations for a modern
Chief Rabbi. Dr. Simon Dankowicz of Bohemia was chosen.

   Chapter 3 examines the unification of Bulgarian Jewry during
the nation-state’s second decade. Its leaders chose to follow the
example of French Jewry, who integrated traditional values and
modern life, and accepted their methods of organization. The
relationship with the first Chief Rabbi, Dr. Dankowicz, was
unsuccessful; he was fired after less than three years. His successor,
Dr. Grinwald of Moravia in Eastern Czech, was more successful
due to the Hebrew teachers who became his emissaries to the
communities. His tragic death in the summer of 1895 cut his
achievements short.

   The leadership vacuum forced the three large community
leaders to take the initiative into their hands and fight anti-
Semitism; these leaders were known as the Three Consistors.
Their efforts were aimed at battling antisemitism, and they
attempted — unsuccessfully — to rally the Bulgarian church to
enforce legislation against blood libels. Disappointed with their
failure, the three resigned and appointed a Chief Rabbi in their
stead. This appointment of a Chief Rabbi - which was carried out
without prior discussion with representatives of the community —
caused considerable public upheaval. For the first time it became
clear that Jewish community life in Bulgaria must be founded on
a set of regulations which would serves as grounds for agreement
between all factions. The Notables Assembly of Sophia proposed
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