Page 368 - להפוך לבולגרים / קונפורטי
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Table of Contents

Preface 9

Introduction                                          13
The emergence of the Bulgarian state and its history
until 1918 

Chapter I                                             33
Towards the end of Ottoman rule 

Chapter II
In the transition from Empire to the Nation-state
(1888–1878) 76

Chapter III                                           117
Leadership on trial (1888–1900) 

Chapter IV                                            163
Anti-Semitism and the beginning of the Zionist
movement in Bulgaria 

Chapter V                                             213
The Jewish street in turmoil (1900–1907) 

Chapter VI                                            263
Before and after the storm (1908–1918) 

Afterword 309

Bibliography 315

Appendix 338

Index 340
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