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‫  קיצורים ביבליוגרפיים‬366

I. Finkelstein, ‘The Settlement History of Jerusalem in the                       ,‫פינקלשטיין‬
Eighth and Seventh Century BCE’, RB, 115 (2008), pp.                                    ‫א‬2008

                                                                  499–515         ,‫פינקלשטיין‬
I. Finkelstein, ‘Jerusalem in the Persian (and Early Hellenistic)                       ‫ב‬2008
Period and the Wall of Nehemiah’, JSOT, 32 (2008), pp. 501–
                                                                        520               2010
I. Finkelstein, ‘Persian Period Jerusalem and Yehud: A
                                Rejoinder’, JHS, 9 (2010), Article 24                     2012

I. Finkelstein, ‘Comments on the Date of Late-Monarchic                            ‫פינקלשטיין‬
         Judahite Seal Impressions’, TA, 39 (2012), pp. 203–211               2000 ,‫ואוסישקין‬

I. Finkelstein and D. Ussishkin, ‘Archaeological and Historical                    ‫פינקלשטיין‬
Conclusions’, I. Finkelstein, D. Ussishkin, and B. Halpern                         ,‫אריה‬-‫ובית‬

                  (eds.), Megiddo III, Tel Aviv 2000, pp. 576–605                         1999
I. Finkelstein and I. Beit-Arieh, ‘Area E’, I. Beit-Arieh, Tel                     ‫פינקלשטיין‬
‘Ira: A Stronghold in the Biblical Negev, Tel Aviv 1999,                          2015 ,‫וגדות‬

                                                                 pp. 67–96         ‫פינקלשטיין‬
I. Finkelstein and Y. Gadot, ‘Mozah, Nephtoah and Royal
Estates in the Jerusalem Highlands’, Semitica et Classica, 8                              2001
                                                     (2015), pp. 227-234          ,‫אביץ‬-‫וזינגר‬
I. Finkelstein and L. Singer-Avitz, ‘Ashdod Revisited’, TA, 28
                                                    (2001), pp. 231–259            ‫פינקלשטיין‬
                                                                                  2004 ,‫ונאמן‬
I. Finkelstein and L. Singer-Avitz, ‘Reevaluating Bethel’,
                                      ZDPV, 125, 1 (2009), pp. 33–48               ‫פינקלשטיין‬
I. Finkelstein and N. Na’aman, ‘The Judahite Shephelah in the
Late 8th and Early 7th Centuries BCE’, TA, 31 (2004), pp. 60–                             2010
                                                                          79     2007 ,‫וגיבסון‬
I. Finkelstein and E. Piasetzky, ‘Radiocarbon Dating the Iron
Age in the Levant: A Bayesian Model for Six Ceramic Phases

         and Six Transitions’, Antiquity, 84 (2010), pp. 374–385

G. Finkielsztejn and S. Gibson, ‘The yh(d) “Latin F” Shaped
Monogram: Epigraphy and Dating’, TA, 34, 1 (2007), pp.

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