Page 372 - עידן האימפריות
P. 372

‫  קיצורים ביבליוגרפיים‬370

Archaeology of Tel Aviv University, 15), Tel Aviv 1999, pp.                 ‫א‬2000 ,‫קהיל‬
                                                                            ‫ב‬2000 ,‫קהיל‬
J.M. Chaill, ‘Rosette-Stamped Handles’, D.T. Ariel (ed.),                    2001 ,‫קהיל‬
Excavations at the City of David 1978-1985, Directed by Yigal
                                                                             2003 ,‫קהיל‬
                 Shiloh (Qedem, 41), Jerusalem 2000, pp. 85–108
J.M. Cahill, ‘Rosette-Stamped Handle’, ‘Atiqot, 40 (2000), pp.              ,‫ובאומגרטנר‬
J.M. Chaill, ‘Rosette Stamp Seal Impressions’, A. Mazar and
N. Penitz-Cohen, Timnah (Tel Batash) II: The Finds from the                       ‫קוהלר‬
First Millennium BCE Text (Qedem, 42), Jerusalem 2001, pp.                  ,‫ובאומגרטנר‬

                                                                  197–202         ‫ב‬1995

J.M. Chaill, ‘Rosette Stamp Seal Impressions’, H. Geva (ed.),               ‫ תשס"ט‬,‫קוך‬
Jewish Quarter Excavations in the Old City of Jerusalem, II:                   2016 ,‫קוך‬
The Finds from Areas A, W and X-2 - Final Report, Jerusalem
                                                                             ‫ בקרוב‬,‫קוך‬
                                                         2003, pp. 85–98

L. Koehler and W. Baumgartner, '‫'נבל‬, The Hebrew and
Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament, 2, Leiden, New York
and Köln 1995, p. 624 (Trans. M.E.J. Richardson, from
German. Originally published: Hebraisches und Aramaisches

                        Lexikon zum alten Testament, Leiden 1966)

L. Koehler and W. Baumgartner, '‫'כד‬, The Hebrew and
Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament, 2, Leiden, New York
and Köln 1995, p. 460 (Trans. M.E.J. Richardson, from
German. Originally published: Hebraisches und Aramaisches

                        Lexikon zum alten Testament, Leiden 1966)

‫ אוניברסיטת‬,‫ עבודת גמר‬,'‫ 'טביעות הוורדה מממלכת יהודה‬,‫ע' קוך‬
                                                   ‫ תשס"ט‬,‫תל אביב‬

I. Koch, ‘Rosette Stamp Impressions from Aharoni’s
Excavations at Ramat Raḥel (1954, 1960–1962)’, O. Lipschits,
Y. Gadot, and L. Freud, Ramat Raḥel III: Final Publication of

              Aharoni’s Excavations, Tel Aviv 2016, pp. 371-388

I. Koch, ‘Rosette Stamp Impressions’, O. Lipschits, M. Oeming,
and Y. Gadot, Ramat Raḥel IV: The 2005–2010 Excavation

                                       Seasons, Tel Aviv forthcoming
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