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     Gaonic Responsa
     in an early-11th century rotulus

        Ezra Chwat

          Department of Manuscripts, The National Library of Israel

     The early 11th century rotuli of Abraham Ibn al-Baqara have shed scores of
     fragments in the Cairo Genizah, that reflect much of the scope of Rabbinic
     literature in his time. One such treasure is a rotulus of Gaonic responsa,
     much of which is still extant, in Oxford Heb. A3 fol. 14.

          Side A presents 76 lines of an exhaustive responsum of R. Hai Gaon
     that was cited by R. Hananel and Alfasi. R. Hai deduces from the Mishnah
     (Yevamot VII:1) that the husband is obligated to full compensation of the
     dowry he received only in cases of a total loss of the asset, such as deceased
     slaves - as is the example given in the Mishnah. This infers that he is exempt
     from compensating devaluation, such as slaves who have grown old . The
     Gaon is aware that this opinion will draw opposition (as in Alfasi’s critique),
     yet he emphasizes that the alternative is impractical, as this would entail a
     detailed assessment of all the assets in the dowry and their devaluation. This
     would be particularly difficult where it is customary to assess only the total
     value of the dowry in the Ketubah.

          Side B includes four responsa, and the beginning of a fifth. These
     appear in the same order in MS Parma 3525 fols. 9b-11a, in a series of
     responsa attributed to R. Sherirah Gaon. These have been published in
     previous collections of Gaonica, but Al-Baqar’s copy predates Parma by
     almost 300 years. The final responsa is hitherto unknown, dealing with
     additional prayers to be supplemented on days of the Ma’amadot, based on
     TB Shabbat 24a.

          An appendix is supplied listing the remnants of Al-Baqar’s rotuli extant
     in the Genizah, with bibliography of publications.
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