Page 332 - לכבוש את חיפה להעלאה לאתר
P. 332
Preface 7
Part One:Introductions
Imperial Coercion: British Invasion Plans to Palestine, 1906-1914 13
Operational Intelligence: Francis Richard Maunsell and his 34
Reconnaissance of Palestine, 1907
The Formation of a Geo-Strategic Region: Northern Palestine 60
and the Levant at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century
Part Two: Maunsell Report: ‘Reconnaissance of Syria
from the Coast Eastwards’ 73
Chapter One: Description of Country and General Remarks 81
Chapter Two: The Haifa-Acre Line of Advance: 98
A Detailed Description of Routes 187
Appendices to the Maunsell Report 243
Additions and Updates as presented in the ‘Military
Report on Syria’, 1911 283
Bibliography 316
List of Illustrations 326