Page 332 - לכבוש את חיפה להעלאה לאתר
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Preface			 	7

Part One:Introductions	

Imperial Coercion: British Invasion Plans to Palestine, 1906-1914	  13

Operational Intelligence: Francis Richard Maunsell and his          34
	 Reconnaissance of Palestine, 1907	

The Formation of a Geo-Strategic Region: Northern Palestine         60
	 and the Levant at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century	

Part Two: Maunsell Report: ‘Reconnaissance of Syria
from the Coast Eastwards’	73

Chapter One: Description of Country and General Remarks 	           81

Chapter Two: The Haifa-Acre Line of Advance:	                       98

A Detailed Description of Routes	                                   187

Appendices to the Maunsell Report	243

Additions and Updates as presented in the ‘Military
	 Report on Syria’, 1911	283

Bibliography		                                                      316

List of Illustrations	326
   327   328   329   330   331   332   333   334   335   336   337