Page 59 - Wood Review Dec 202 Full issue
P. 59
1. The blank was roughed down
to a cylinder and divided into top and base sections.
2. Transferred to a chuck and
the lid section parted off, the outer form was rough-turned.
I’m not in the habit of making pieces that draw on classical forms; however, for this project I couldn’t resist returning to a design I had drawn some time
ago. Bulbous with generous beads and undercuts this project can challenge the skills of beginning turners whilst fulfilling the desires and tastes of those who like traditional forms.
An off-cut of figured blackwood, too good to throw away, but too small to use on a large project was put aside for that perfect project. We woodworkers seem to do so on a regular basis, until we end up with too many ‘treasures’ to deal with. But that doesn’t stop us from saving wood for that next project, and here was mine, so the brain was off and racing, and off to the lathe I went.
Mounted between centres the wood was roughed down to a cylinder and divided with a parting tool to determine top and base sections (photo 1). Tenons were turned at each end so the base and lid could later be held in a scroll chuck, eliminating the need of a tailstock to hold the wood in position.
Transferred to a chuck and the lid section parted
off, the exterior form was rough-turned establishing
proportions that appeal to the eye before arriving at
the final shape (photo 2). The collar at the right of the
form (photo 3), needs to have parallel surfaces so the
lid will fit perfectly later on. A pair of vernier calipers
will ensure your sides are such, best cut with a sharp
parting tool, and never sand this area or you will round
it and compromise the neatness of the lid’s fit. 2 59