Page 23 - Climate Control News Mag October 2019
P. 23

Building 4.0 will push the boundaries of what is possible today and into the future.
Building Automation
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Electric Heaters
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Modular Boilers
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The 4.0 initiative features a long list of ambitious goals including:
• Cost – 37.5% reduction in
project costs through digital technology & off-site manufacturing
• Energy – 40% reduction in life cycle costs through high- performing, efficient buildings
• Time – 40% reduction in project delays through integrated, live scheduling
• Sustainability – 50% reduction in CO2 emissions for more sustainable buildings
• Waste – 80% reduction in construction waste & re-work for higher productivity
• Exports – Up to 25% increase in the export of building
products & construction
• Best practice – Improved
quality, customer satisfaction,
safety & certainty
• Regulation – Improved policy
& regulatory frameworks
• Communication – Connect
industry with common protocols
& interfaces, and shared data • Culture – Create an open,
collaborative, innovative, inclusive & gender diverse industry
• Education – Train 36 PhDs & 1000 Masters Students
• Jobs and training – Create
new high-skill jobs – training 7000 apprentices in new technologies
“For Lendlease, the CRC program is a great opportunity for us to not only test and use tech- nology to develop new ways of working, but to find ways of working collaboratively with the broader industry.”
Professor Mark Cassidy, Dean of Melbourne School of Engineering at the University of Mel- bourne, said the building industry needs to lead digital disruption to ensure it gains a first- mover advantage.
He said these reforms are only achievable with significant innovation
and collaboration across the
“The purpose is to transform the way that consumers and builders design and buy build- ings by providing easy-to-use browsing-based software that allows them to custom-design, visualise and price buildings in an engineering compliant way,” he said.
The bid comprises 28 leading players in com- mercial industry, university, industry bodies and government partners, with the results an- nounced December 2019.
Building 4.0 CRC seeks to set trends and break rules in order to transform the way the in- dustry engages and responds to customers’ needs.
Donovan Group CEO in Aus- tralia, Gavin Tonnet, said his vi- sion is to create a world where people can visualise and realise buildings in real time.
L-R: Interim CEO of Building 4.0 CRC, and Monash University Professor, Mathew Aitchison. Professor Shane Murray, Dean of Architecture at Monash Art, Design and Architecture (MADA). CEO of Digital at Lendlease, Bill Ruh.

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