Page 33 - July ONLINE VERSION_Neat
P. 33
Annette had immediately flown home only to be Our problem since time incarnate has
greeted by disgruntled siblings, who she believed been that we equate our purpose with
had every right to feel so! The realization that all goal-based achievements. We keep our-
her mom desperately yearned for was her presence. selves so busy and occupied with what is
just supposed to be a mere means of suste-
“She just wanted to hug me, talk to me and prob- nance that we sideline the sublime rea-
ably teach me that success is not equated only in son for our existence here. Humans as a
career-based achievements. There are many more creation are way above par with the ordi-
elevated milestones in this journey called life! She nary, temporary accolades that we revolve
had left me a note in which she told me how proud our lives around. We were not created to
and thankful she was of me. However, she want- merely build empires, accumulate wealth
ed me to evaluate the meaning of my life and the and somehow be in a rat race to outdo one
opportunistic cost I paid for the things I strived for. another. If we realized our own worth,
She ended her note with a timeless proverb which our abilities, and capabilities, the world
has now become the motto of my existence, “Aim we reside in would most certainly be the
to live in this world without allowing the world to paradise we all wish to attain! We pre-
live inside you because when a boat sits on water sume that we are a small entity but within
it sails perfectly but when water enters inside the us is enfolded the entire universe! Float into Homeownership
boat, it sinks.” Sara glanced at Annette with an
unspoken admiration. It required courage to open
your soul to a stranger...or perhaps she was right
sometimes candor comes easily with a stranger,
who is less bound to judge you! with RE/MAX
Annette had ended her conversation with those
profound words and soon had left Sara to ponder
over the simplicity of the message. She remembered
her annoyance when Annette had come to sit down
but as the afternoon proceeded, she realized the
wisdom she had gained by her caring and kind spir-
it. Truly, Sara felt that she belonged to a generation
which was superficial; so bound in the chains of ap-
pearances but failing to step in when truly needed.
Annette could have ignored Sara and walked on
but her kind spirit did not allow her to do so. Once
again Sara’s mind started to race with overpowering
thoughts, but they were all very clear. The hopeless-
ness had left her. The talk with a total stranger did
more good than she could ever imagine! She felt the
breeze and the gushing of the blue stream added to
the delight! For this clarity, she was forever grateful
to the kind stranger.
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