Page 101 - July ONLINE VERSION
P. 101

L  Lauren Pritchard Cobb, or you might   following the events of 9/11 in 2001.  people have crazy lives. This past year, Lisa's only

                                                                  son Ben passed away from suicide, he was a dear
 know her best from her stage name,
 LOLO, is an impressive human, singer,   Even at a young age, music became an identifier   friend of mine. He was the most wonderful human,
        and unifier; nothing felt as a complete as music did.
                                                                  dying just a week before my son was born. Their
 O  songwriter, and Broadway actress.  I wanted to be a part of music in any way I could   family has been through a lot going back before
                                                                  Elvis passed.
        be singing, playing an instrument, writing music,
 ZGP: Where did LOLO come from?
 LOLO: It is a longtime nickname; my best friend Alex from   anything really. When I was 13-14, I began to really   When I lived with them, I was in high school and I
        understand artists; the bands I was listening to were
 L  and one day he didn’t feel like saying it. I tried going by my   creating their own music and performing it. That   was in a band, an agent, auditioning in L.A., song-
 high school decided that my original name was too long
        was their job. Once I realized all that, I just decided
                                                                  writing, doing everything I could to launch my mu-
 middle name (Pritch) but people called my dad and brother
        I wasn't interested in anything else. I expressed this
                                                                  sic career. My brother was in a terrible car accident
 that in high school, so it got a little confusing. So, LOLO was
                                                                  that required at least six months of intense physical
        to my parents who were incredibly supportive, and
 O  more concise and specific.  they were like how we do these things, this crazy   therapy and care. So, we moved back to Jackson to
        process, and I was very determined to figure it out.
                                                                  care for him. I went around saying my goodbyes to
        I was writing, practicing, and focused. I was sharing
                                                                  every. Riley, my friend, and Lisa Marie’s daughter
        my music with anyone who would listen. I spent my
                                                                  agers, we thought everything was as simple as that.
        time singing anywhere I could. I'd sing mostly cover      said why don’t you just live with us. You know teen-
        songs and some of my original material because I          But a few days later, Lisa called my mom and said
        knew I would need to be comfortable sharing my            she would love for me to come live with them and
        personal stuff.                                           continue building my music career.
 ZGP: So, you are a singer, songwriter, and ac-
 tress and most recently a wife and a mother.   ZGP: Who are some of your musical in-  Lisa Marie and Riley saw the hard work I was
 How is that all working together?  fluences?                     putting into my career and believed in me. They
 LOLO: COVID made it an interesting year. I don't know   LOLO: I am a big lyrics person. So probably my   did not want to see that momentum diminished
 that I've ever envisioned having to be so sectioned off from   favorite all-time old-school singer/songwriter vibe   When I got back to LA, I went on an audition and it
 the world during this part of my personal journey, but in a   of all time is Billy Joel. His has an ability to tell a   completely changed my life. I don't have any doubt
 way, it has been kind of nice too. We've had a lot of family   story using words in songs that people don't use.   I'd be in the music industry in some form. Without
 time, us time. If COVID hadn't happened, it would have   They aren't just another break-up song or love song.   Lisa Marie’s kindness there would have been a delay
 been more challenging because of work, traveling, and   Joni Mitchell uses the internal rhyme, to fit really   in pursuing my passions. Noteworthy too is that I
 being pregnant. It was so nice having the little backstage at   interesting words into songs. Eminem, I loved since   wasn't living off their money. I was literally just pro-
 the Christmas special with my husband; the little dude had   I was small and would get into trouble listening to   vided a roof over my head, and like any of her other
 his headphones on. I had always daydreamed about those   him on my Walk-Man. I was fascinated with his   children, access to food and so forth. I worked
 things, having my little one at shows, wondering how those
 &      ability, wordy, complex, but still so simple. You can     really hard to get my career off the ground, and Lisa
 moments would be like. Seeing them in the wings was so   envision the picture he was painting. Aretha Frank-  Marie provided me the same way my own parents
 sweet and emotional, encouraging.  lin, she is a brilliant songwriter and a brilliant piano   would have to support my dreams.

        player. More modern is MGMT, an alternative
 ZGP: When did music start for you?  rock band, but they use many metaphors and paint   Interestingly, Riley and I were friends literally
 LOLO: Music is this osmosis thing that lives and breathes   pictures; their music doesn't sound the same, and   before I ever knew who her family was. I found out
 within everything. It’s a thing that can't be explained, it   they remind me a lot of the same techniques used   on a sleepover.  On the piano were pictures of Lisa
 exists, but even how it gets created is so strange. The late Ol-  by Pink Floyd. Maren Morris and Billie Eilish are   Marie and Riley and Ben or a young Lisa Marie
 iver Sacks was at the forefront of a study called “Musicophil-  both strong and inspirational females and writers,   with Elvis. Growing up in West Tennessee, you had
 ia”, which is understanding the scientific breakdown of what   unafraid to put themselves out there. Honestly, I   an idea of who Elvis was. Lisa Marie invited me,
 music is, why, who, how, down to the minutiae. However,   literally listen to everything.  welcomed me into their world. We stayed up all
 even someone like Sacks would be the first to tell you that      night playing music around this piano. I would love
 music can't be fully explained. Music gets created every day,   ZGP: I read that you lived with Lisa Ma-  to see more people kinder to her, especially in the
 all the time, in a lot of different forms.  Music becomes a   rie Presley. What did her kindness mean   light of her son's passing. She's been increasingly
 placeholder of a movement or time. The rebirth of the song   to you?  giving to many people even before me.
 "God Bless the USA," a song was somewhat patriotic in the   LOLO: You know, it's interesting because I've had
 By Tammy Yosich  '80s, became a glaring patriotic representation and unifier   many people ask me about that situation. Famous   Contined Next Page

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