P. 96

Artist Profile                                                                                                         WRITER                                 N O A H   V A N   D E N   B O S C H                   ACTOR

                                                                                                                                   shot across the bow. The internet is cheaper than buying
                                                                                                                                   a theater and it can reach a wider audience. I can and will
           NOAH                                                                                                                    work to create a work were people get paid for work. I          “When you combine the
                                                                                                                                   treat the website like a gallery, but I pay my artists for their   worldly exposure that my
                                                                                                                                   contributions and time they spend in my interviews. They       mom gave me with the en-
           ALEXANDER                                   J A C K S O N                                                               work hard and deserve respect.                                 ergy and philosophies my

                                                                                                                                   What is your first writing gig?                               dad instilled in me you get,
           VAN den BOSCH                                      C    H     I  C    A    G     O                                      First acting gig?                                                        well... me.”
                                                                                                                                   My first writing gig would maybe be 24/7 Fest at my
                                                                                                                                   university. It was a festival where 7 plays needed to be   Olaf role, so I was aimlessly acting its like if I were to ask
                                                                                                                                   written, cast, rehearsed, and produced in a 24-hour time   a normal person to change the engine on a car. It would
                                                                                                                                   limit. It was an exhilarating experience. It would go on to   be possible, it would be hard, and there is a good chance
                                                                                                                                   being a sort of workshop I play with myself to help keep   it won’t be all that great of a job. Insert the acting training,
                                                                                                                                   the creativity flowing. It isn’t often, but I have from time to   and its like asking a professional car mechanic to change
                                                                                                                                   time writing a play, short story, poem, or screen play in un-  the engine on a car. It would be possible, it would be hard,

        Where are you from?                                                                                                        der 24 hours. It isn’t always great, but I wrote a short film   and there is a good chance it won’t be a good job, but you
                                                                                                                                                                                          have to pay them more.
        Where are you now?                                      What other art forms are you into?                                 in under 6 hours that placed 4th in a short film festival. I
                                                                                                                                   found about the competition on the day of the deadline
        I’m from the woods just outside of Jackson, Tennessee.   I’m into as many as I can get my hands on. Most of them           from one of my roommates, but I didn’t let that stop me   Is there a person you have played that in a
        Now I live in Roger’s Park the most northern neighbor-  find there way back into being represented in theatre to           from submitting. My first acting gig would be the feature   lot of ways mimics who you are as a person
        hood in the city of Chicago. There are almost the same   some capacity, but I would say directing and videography          film “Lazy.” It was my first-time taking place in a project   in reality?
        amount of people living in just the neighborhood I live in   are some of my newer interested I’m practicing and learn-     outside the educational environment. It was a fantastic   Yes and no. The acting training I’ve received a practice to
        now as in the entire city of Jackson.                   ing. I’ve been exercising my hands at audio editing with
                                                                the “Chats”  segments on my website Pen, Picture, & Chat.          experience. Me and my co-actor from the film, Salar Arde-  this day lives on principles that all roles and all characters
        When did you realize a passion for writing                                                                                 bili, are still close friends to this day. He was the guy who   are an extension of who you really are. When you assume a
                                                                                                                                                                                          role then you become the character. Now this doesn’t mean
                                                                                                                                   helped me land the gig. He was the guy who believed in
        and acting?                                             Where you gather inspiration?                                      me. In theatre its often about who you know, but some-  that you have to do everything thing the character does for
        I don’t think I realized anything of the sort. I work hard to   Everything and anything. I connect with many things to     times its about who knows you.                         real, but that all actions to commit to as the character need
        involve passion, care, and respect in all parts of my life. I’m   reach inspiration. Sometimes I’m inspired to create base on                                                     to be ones you would under the exact same circumstances
        attracted to challenges and acting & writing have always   memories, sometimes I work on things because of fanta-          What are your latest artistic projects?                would commit as well. There is a common misconception
        been challenging to me. The idea that there is always some-  sies and imagination, sometimes I work on things because      I have recently gone live with my website “Pen, Picture, &   that acting is the art of lying, but in reality, acting is the are
        thing new to learn or practice in these arts makes the work   someone else did it well or simple did a better job than I   Chat. It’s the electronic gallery that I mentioned earlier.   of telling the truth. All portrayals need to be honest to be
        fun and constantly interesting. In a way it took the teach-  could do, so I fill inspired to improve, sometimes I create   There I practice my hand at project management as well   believable.
        ings from both of my parents to help me find fulfillment in   becomes of unrest.                                           as audio editing. The website itself is also a brief excursion
        my work. My dad, Paul Van den Bosch, was always ada-                                                                       into more journalistic/ blog writing which is always fun to   How does theatre and film help produce a
        mant about learning and constantly improving. He taught   Why is it important for you to give “a plat-                     practice. As of this brief interview, I have recently finished   kinder and more compassionate world?
        me how to love working, which is absolutely necessary to   form to artists to display their creations                      filming a short film that I wrote and directed. I will not go   In many ways. Theatre and film both have a great habit
        work in the arts.                                       and creative contributions?”                                       into any detail about the project, but I can say filming in a
                                                                Unrest. I’m unhappy with the way so many talented people           pandemic was difficult but created an interesting challenge   of making people shut up and listen for a moment. Often
        My mom, on the other hand, taught me what art is. My    are repressed or barred from expressing themselves for             to work around. I’m looking to have the film finished with   people cry out for help, equality, justice, but people refuse
                                                                                                                                                                                          to sit down and listen for reasons no deeper than it isn’t
        mom is a passionate person with tastes, style, and strong   completely unfair reasons. With the arts, as I imagine it      postproduction by this fall, but I’ll likely try taking it to   interesting to them. In other occasions, it is a great was
        opinions. She exposed me to films of all genres: good   is with most fields, people who have money make money              festivals meaning it isn’t very likely the public will have   to get a single message out without being interrupted or
        ones, bad ones, high budget, low budget, foreign, etc,   and people who don’t have money make money for the                easy access to it.
        but it didn’t stop there she would read to me when I was   people who have money. This disturbs me to no end. I’ve                                                                cut short from the point. One of the most powerful affects
                                                                                                                                                                                          either of these two mediums can produce is the ability to
        young and buy me any and every book I asked for. As a   seen firsthand how wealth compounds itself off of the hard         You played, “King Olaf” in 2012 and “Mor-              see through a point of view that you wouldn’t, without the
        kid anytime I would write a short story or dabble in ideas   work and genius of my contemporaries.                         timer” in 2019; how has your acting evolved            help of the play or film, normally be able to live through.
        she would always be sure to read it of course, but more                                                                                                                           This can be something easy like taking you to a different
        importantly she would tell me about who it reminds her of.   The person who owns the theater makes more money than         between these two roles?
        She would give me names and idea to pursue. When you    the company working in it, but what did they owner do to           It has evolved in ways as to say that I was simply playing in   era, or something more complex like what its like to stay
                                                                                                                                                                                          in a relationship with you husband who beats you because
        combine the worldly exposure that my mom gave me with   contribute to the arts? They owned the space. Many actors          the role of King Olaf but was actually acting in the Mor-  you have no where else to go.
        the energy and philosophies my dad instilled in me you   won’t even be paid but will draw in thousands of dollars.         timer role. I hadn’t taken any acting courses yet with the
        get, well... me.                                        The house always gets paid. Creating this website is my
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