Page 152 - July ONLINE VERSION
P. 152

ZGP: How do you think music connects peo-
        ples, unifies humanity?
        “Music unifies because it is universally relatable. Two
        people from different political or religious ideologies,
        from different geographical or ethnic backgrounds can
        come together at the proverbial music table and rap                                                                                                                          Whoa Susannah
        together. I’ve seen diverse people at a rock concert all
        vibrating to the same jam, some knew the words others
        did not. It wasn’t the lyrics, it was the music that brought
        a unity to the place. Music healed when all other me-                                                                           Support,                                                           love,
        diums have failed. Unlike a political opinion or feeling
        toward a person’s characters, the feeling music provides
        may be different between two people but unite them at
        the same time. I believe music is the most universal and
        helpful tool for so many people.”                                                                                               Local,                                                  peace,

        ZGP: If tomorrow, the music died as Don
        McClean sang about in “American Pie” could
        you create it from scratch? No historical in-
        fluence, no instruments, just from the melo-             Moose is married to my beautiful friend                                Artist,and joy
        dy that lives in your soul.                              Gail. Gail’s son, Noah Van Den Bosch, has
                                                                 an article in this edition on page 97.
        “Wow without music I don’t know what it would be like.
        You certainly do not need a modern instrument. I mean    Moose’s sister, Susannah Lewis, is a local au-
        cave men beat sticks together, someone learned to keep
        time and soon they were dancing and singing around       thor and very hilarious. The talent is endless
        a fire. The origins of music are quite elusive because   with Moose and his family.
        we don’t know exactly where or how long it has been
                                                                        Check out a 2014 video of Moose per-
        “But to wake up one morning and not know any type                  forming with Full Devil Jacket
        of music or any kind of sound, I think maybe nature
        would start to bring that out. Perhaps we could go back
        to some origin of music, birds singing, the sound of a
        waterfall, wind blowing through the trees with limbs
        crackling, or taps                                                 these
        things can and do inspire music. I don’t think the world
        would be as good a place without music. Perhaps it
        would be a more depressing, less kind place to live.”

        “In a weird way, COVID has placed live concerts on
        hold. While the music hasn’t died, it has prevented
        diverse individuals from sharing the warm, rich feeling
        of a music concert together. Perhaps, as we emerge from
        this year long isolation, we can share the melodies of                                                                                  Read                                 Hear                            Wear
        kindness, hopefulness, and unity we discovered during
        this time. Perhaps we’ll extend more respect to the beau-
        tiful rhythm of a life lived together in harmony.  The                                                                          
        music will become alive again for everyone to share.”

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