Page 176 - July ONLINE VERSION
P. 176
ZPG: Does performing for an audience though I’ve heard them a thousand times. It’s the It’s almost like having a friend that’s not actually from my heart. I get to share my kindness with you in
require vulnerability? sound of the words that my brain likes. there. Music can complement how you’re feeling. the form of music.
DD: Absolutely, I still get nervous. My regimen for It’s comforting, by validating that it’s ok to be in this e
overcoming that is two shots of Fireball before every ZPG: Can music make us better people? mental state that you’re currently in. Music is there to ZPG: Perfect. Do y’all play anywhere?
show. I don’t mind the flavor, and it’s a weaker alco- DD: It makes you smarter. It can go both ways. It can help solidify and ground you. I say all this, but to me DD: Yes, we booked our first show here in Jackson at
hol, so by the middle of the first song you’re playing it make you a better person, or if you start to listen to music is more of a creative outlet. I’m in a good mood Hub City Brewing on June 12th. It was super exciting
kind of hits you and loosens you up. For every show, the wrong music, it can make you an angry person 24/7, not much gets me down. I just like the process because we have not played in over three years. We
my hands are sweaty to the point where it gets stuck too. It definitely has an influencing power. But I’d say of creating music. It’s fun to play, to entertain, and to had taken a break, then COVID hit and that gave
on the neck of the guitar. We must play a very simple, for the most part that people choose music that com- think of ways to get in front of people. It’s fun to give us a longer break. We’ve got to start practicing. Our
nontechnical song to open up with so you can give plements their mood. my friends and family a reason to gather. That’s how marketing and branding are done, and I think we’re
your body time to react because the nerves will get music satisfies me. ready. Time to start picking up the instruments again.
you. You start yawning before a show and you won- ZPG: You mentioned earlier that you Check us out on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube,
der why, but it’s your body’s response to the adrena didn’t need to practice much, that you had ZPG: I was talking to one of my friend who iTunes, and Spotify. Music videos are out. We did
line. You’re jittery, and anxious, and calm, and not, a natural affinity to play. Tom Petty said has done theater all of his life, and I asked our recording in Nashville with a producer who did
it’s a flow of emotions before you even step on something similar, in that he felt he had him if he could produce a play without mu- 3 Doors Down, and that was cool. I recommend to
the stage. You are vulnerable. You’re being some sort of conduit to this musical energy. sic in it, and he said, “Absolutely not. Music anyone doing music, if you can afford it, work with a
watched, and there are a lot of things that can Do you feel that you have that? enhances what my actors are saying.” professional at least once. We learned so much. We’re
go wrong up there. The cool part is that if you DD: When you’re in middle and high school, that’s an DD: Yes, it’s amazing to see. If you find your favor- ready to get back at it, and we’re excited.
practice well enough, you can age where lots of guys want to learn guitar, and they ite movie scene, and remove the music, it is not the
still mess up and not many people will would ask to come play with me. I would try every- same. Music is powerful in creating the overall feeling The Delta Sons are from Nasvhille, Tn
know. That’s why you practice. You must thing to try to get them caught up to my level, but I of anything. and were founded by friends,
Zack Mutual, Dan Drogosh,
keep going even if you mess up because realized that some people just get it, and others don’t. Joseph Maliszewski, Evan Mayo,
the average listener won’t catch it. It’s hap It’s interesting too that you can have someone love a ZPG: I’ve recently learned about music and Ethan Willis.
pened to all of us, but our singer is really certain genre of music, but that’s not what they write. therapy and realized that there is a lot of There’s always been something
good at making up a verse on the spot if he I wonder what inspires them to write something that psychology behind it. What is it about mu- intriguing about the Mississippi
forgets the words. No one catches it because is so left field of what they listen to. sic that helps us therapeutically? Delta to the band and after many
they’re too busy having fun. Plus, if you start DD: I don’t know if anyone has ever been able to ar- trips to the region, the band has grown
out seriously faulty, just stop because there is ZPG: If you woke up tomorrow and there ticulate just how music does the things that it does to to love the history and sound s
no reason to fight through it having it sound was no music or instruments, how would us, whether it’s the rhythm or the notes that are get- of the Delta Blues.
awful for three minutes. Why would you you create it? ting played. Humans and animals respond to music. Together they decided to record their
do that to your audience? Instead, stop – DD: You would first hear sounds, and innately some It’s hard to explain why it can make us feel a certain own spin of Classic Southern Rock mu-
sic. With gritty vocals, blues and rock
pause – tune – restart. of those sounds are catchier than others. At some way, but that’s kind of the cool part. We don’t know, infused guitar riffs, punchy drums, and
point you would figure out a way to make noise on but we like it. My mom is a special education teacher, grooving bass; they are well on their
ZPG: How does music bring people your own and repeat that long enough to layer some- and she has said that music can find a way to bypass way to be the next Lynyrd Skynyrd.
together? thing over it. The structure of music is funny too. disabilities and reach different parts of the brain. ----The Delta Sons
DD: It’s funny, when you meet people, you can al- Who decided that music has a chorus? It doesn’t have
most peg to a certain genre of music. It encapsulates to, but it seems to be what’s worked. Another cool ZPG: You don’t get harmony if everyone
everything about them, and you’ll guess what kind thing is that rhythm changes throughout the world. is singing the same note. What does that
of music they listen to. It’s a way for our identities Primitive music would mimic animal noises and the mean?
to be seen, and heard, and shown. It brings people sounds of nature. That evolved into more defined DD: Well, to get really nerdy, when you sing the same
together who like the same kind of music. There’s still instruments, and music evolved from there. So yeah, note it kind of quivers, it creates this phasing effect,
the mystery of why we like this music, but it’s enough take an object and start hitting it against things or and therefore you need a harmony to break that up.
to know that both of you are enjoying it. You can manipulate it in some way to make noise, and then If we sang the same note, the same tones are fighting,
talk about it or not talk about it, the rhythm will still repeat until you like what you’re hearing. but in harmony they are certain intervals away from
find a connection. Some people love to pick a song each other, so they complement each other. We don’t
apart, to hear the different instruments or analyze ZPG: I’m going to give you two words and use a lot of harmonies in our music, we are more of
the meanings of certain words, or there are people I want you to make them into a sentence: that solo rock vibe, but I think the best harmonies are
simpler minded like me who just like the sound of it. music and kindness. not necessarily the ones that are heard but are felt.
Half the songs I like I don’t know the lyrics to, even DD: Music allows me to emulate kindness with noise
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