Page 181 - July ONLINE VERSION
P. 181

open mic/karaoke nights all over.                                     can bring about respect from your
        However, Wright did not start sing-                                   peers and generate content and stories
        ing until he moved to Murfreesboro.                                   channeled into engaging song lyrics and
 W  T   He has always seen the creativity                                     music composition.

 R  I   and the creation of music as a beau-                                   Justin and his wife Heather live for the
        tiful thing. Studying business and
                                                                              joy music brings other people. As many
        marketing allowed Justin to see how                                   artists have said in this edition of ZGP
 JUSTIN  music is distributed and promoted                                    Magazine, the music is for the fans, and
        within the industry.
                                                                              their performance is 100% whether it
 I  M                                                                         is an audience of one or one thousand.
 WRIGHT  Justin is currently the lead singer for                              Heather and Justin have worked long

        the band "Fault Line 155." Estab-                                     hours and had sleepless nights, but their
 G  E   lished in 2011, Fault Line 155 origi-                                 sacrifices made Stage Wright Entertain-
        nal members were from Dyer, Lake,
                                                                              ment what it is today.
 H      and Obion counties in West Ten-                                       Stage Wright Entertainment is a pro-
        nessee. There is a fault line that lies
 T      beneath these three counties, and                                     duction company offering the most
        Interstate 155 runs directly through                                  comprehensive and professional ser-
        that area: hence Fault Line 155.       Justin and Heather Wright      vices to ensure artists find their venue,
                                                                              audience, and voice among the greats in
        Fault Line 155 consists of seasoned                      the music industry. Stage Wright Entertainment has
 "Behind every great man is a great woman."  This   management.  musicians: bass player and founder Billy Scobey, lead   come on the scene at the right time, providing valu-
 statement holds a lot of weight for Justin and Heather   guitar Dale James, Hayden Nichols on keyboard/  able opportunities for the talent right here between
 Wright. Justin has been in love with Heather since   After much thought and consideration, the Wrights   piano, and percussionist Brandon Givens. Fault   two musical meccas.
 the fourth grade, but they lost touch after school   decided to pursue recruiting, helping, and fostering   Line 155 was formed over ten years ago; Wright
 was completed, having never dated. In 2018, the two   up-and-coming artists to reach their musical goals.   just joined as the lead vocals recently. Former lead   Faultline 155 has a full slate of shows through the
 reconnected and married in 2019.   Justin explored the ins and outs of the music business   singer and founder Brian Mabry successfully laid the   summer and fall months. The band is currently
 A real-life hero, Heather is a nurse by trade. Howev-  while living in Nashville. With his loving and talent-  groundwork for the band. Mabry is doing big things   working on original music with new releases on
 er, she laid her nurse hat   ed wife by his side, Justin is   now as a solo artist and has been one of Wrights'   platforms such as Spotify and iTunes around the first
 aside to help Justin foster   on track to do incredible   most prominent supporters. Fault Line 155 began in   of October.
 his dream of building a   things through their com-  country, but today, it is grounded in rock and blues
 production company. In   pany, Stage Wright Enter-  tunes.                For more information:
 helping Justin, Heather   tainment.
 also decided to pursue her   Justin has been the beneficiary of kindness through
 own business ventures.   Justin discovered what he   the years. He has been encouraged by his wife and   Stage Wright
 This dynamic duo has   liked and disliked about   kids. Musicians with decades of experience have   Entertainment
 something fantastic brew-  the entertainment business   graciously taken Justin under their wing, and this is
 ing and most certainly for   and a blueprint for how he   something he will never forget - their kindness, gen-
 the betterment of every-  would run his company.   erosity, and their time. It is something Justin strives
 one around them.   West Tennessee, according   to pay forward with the new artists. Kenny Rogers
 to Justin, has a great deal   with Grassroot Music Theatre has continued to help
 In December of 2019, the Wrights started "Stage   of talent who need a within-reach platform to express   Justin grow. Every meeting with Rogers, he learns
 Wright Entertainment and Events," which began with   their sound. Thus, Stage Wright provides the guid-  something new.   Fault Line 155
 karaoke and DJ services. Recently this has expanded   ance, resources, and structure those artists need to
 into catering and event bar staffing services. Today,   reach their dream.   Justin knows all about work ethic and vulnerabil-
 they divide the company between events and an en-  ity; both are necessary to be successful in any line
 tertainment venue. The entertainment side was born   Justin Wright is no stranger to the stage, nor is he   of work but perhaps especially in the music busi-
 out of requests for the Wrights to represent the artist   keeping the spotlight to himself. Most West Tennes-  ness. Justin admits that one must be vulnerable and
 or band in marketing, public relations, booking, and   seans have heard of Justin Wright, who has hosted   willing to put your craft out there. Being vulnerable

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