Page 14 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
P. 14


              Encyclopedia of                   Ideas and Movements               American History
              Populism in America               That Shaped America               through Its

              A Historical Encyclopedia         From the Bill of Rights           Greatest Speeches
                                                to “Occupy Wall Street”
              2 VOLUMES | ALEXANDRA KINDELL                                       A Documentary History
                                                3 VOLUMES | MICHAEL S. GREEN      of the United States
                                                AND SCOTT L. STABLER, EDITORS
                                                                                  3 VOLUMES | JOLYON P. GIRARD,
                                                                                  DARRYL MACE, AND
                                                                                  COURTNEY SMITH, EDITORS

              February 2014, 901pp, 7x10
              Print: 978-1-59884-567-9          ABC-CLIO
              $189.00, £146.00, €172.00         July 2015, 1,169pp, 8 1/2x11
              eBook: 978-1-59884-568-66         Print: 978-1-61069-251-9
                                                $294.00, £227.00, €268.00         ABC-CLIO
                                                eBook: 978-1-61069-252-6          December 2016, 1,153pp, 8 1/2x11
               “ engaging in tone, a perfect                                      Print: 978-1-61069-969-3
                 Solid in scholarship and
                                                                                  $294.00, £227.00, €268.00
                combination for accomplishing    “ On the whole, this interesting,   eBook: 978-1-61069-970-9
                entry-level reports. . . .        well-executed concept is
                [S]ignificant for its streamlined   appropriate for beginning      “ Highly recommended. All
                coverage of a topic of such       students. Recommended. ”          libraries. All levels. ”
                import to American political and             —Choice, April 1, 2016            —Choice, June 1, 2017
                                         ”      America was founded on bold ideas   What did America’s greatest orators say
                social history. Recommended.
                         —Booklist, August 1, 2014  and beliefs. This book examines the   regarding significant issues and concerns
              This comprehensive two-volume     ideas and movements that shaped our   throughout United States history? This
              encyclopedia documents how Populism,   nation, presenting thorough, accessible   three-volume set examines hundreds of
              which grew out of post-Civil War   entries with sources that improve   the most historically significant speeches
              agrarian discontent, was the apex of   readers’ understanding of the American   from colonial times to the modern era,
              populist impulses in American culture   experience.                 allowing readers to consider exactly
              from colonial times to the present.  FEATURES                       what the speakers said—and to better
                                                                                  understand the motivations behind
              FEATURES                          •  Contains more than 200 entries from
              •  Provides an introductory essay that   expert contributors on a wide variety   each speech as well as the effect on the
                announces key events, themes, people,   of American ideas and movements,   audiences that heard them.
                and ideas, appropriate for students,   each accompanied by a relevant
                researchers, and general readers  original document and helpful cross
                                                  references                      JOLYON P. GIRARD, PhD, is professor
                                                                                  emeritus at Cabrini University, Radnor, PA.
              ALEXANDRA KINDELL, PhD, is
              an instructor at Purdue University   MICHAEL S. GREEN, PhD, is professor   DARRYL MACE, PhD, is chair of
              North Central and American Military                                 history and political science at Cabrini
              University.                       of history at the University of Nevada,   University.
                                                Las Vegas.
              ELIZABETH S. DEMERS, PhD, is      SCOTT L. STABLER, PhD, is associate   COURTNEY SMITH, PhD, is associate
              acquisitions editor for military and                                professor of history and political
              American history at Zenith Press.  professor of history at Grand Valley   science and core curriculum director at
                                                State University.                 Cabrini University.
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