Page 16 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
P. 16


            ABC-CLIO SERIES
            Eyewitness to History

                                                  FORTHCOMING                       FORTHCOMING

                                                Documents of the                  Documents of the
                                                LGBT Movement                     Salem Witch Trials

                                                Eyewitness to History             Eyewitness to History

                                                CHUCK STEWART                     K. DAVID GOSS

            Each title in ABC-CLIO’s Eyewitness
            to History series provides primary
            documents accompanied by contextualizing
            information critical to students’ ability
            to understand historical developments,
            events, and individuals within the content   ABC-CLIO                 ABC-CLIO
                                                                                  January 2018, 250pp, 7x10
                                                January 2018, 275pp, 7x10
            of their research. The presentation format   Print: 978-1-4408-5501-6  Print: 978-1-4408-5320-3
            accommodates a wide range of documents   $94.00, £73.00, €86.00       $94.00, £73.00, €86.00
            that showcase a variety of viewpoints and   eBook: 978-1-4408-5502-3  eBook: 978-1-4408-5321-0
            a breadth of perspectives—for example,
            “eyewitness” pieces  that could consist of   Beginning from the First People, through   Through its extensive use of primary
            personal narratives, letters, and first-hand   the influx of European settlers and the   source materials and provision of
            accounts; media pieces  like newspaper   slave trade from Africa, to the modern   essential accompanying explanations,
            articles, ed-op articles, and reactions and   era, this book presents and discusses   this book places readers into the context
            responses to the events at the time of   documents that reflect pivotal moments   of late 17th-century Salem society to
            occurrence; and government and legislative   in the LGBT rights movement in North   shed light on one of the darkest events in
            pieces such as laws, proclamations, or   America.                     American history—the Salem witch trials.
                                                FEATURES                          FEATURES
            The focus of each book in the Eyewitness
            to History series is on a distinct era or   •  Provides a concise yet comprehensive   •  Examines the individual cases of
                                                                                    many of the victims of the more than
                                                  review of the LGBTQ rights movement
            particular event or movement, enabling   from the earliest days of human   year-long Salem witch trials episode
            high school and undergraduate readers to   society in what would become the   •  Clarifies the historical context of the
            efficiently glean the insight they need to   United States to the present  belief systems and culture of 17th-
            consider a specific aspect of or period in                              century Massachusetts to enable
            history critically, fairly, and intelligently.                          modern readers to grasp how such an
                                                CHUCK STEWART, PhD, is an           unbelievable series of events could
                                                independent researcher and writer on   have happened in that specific era
                                                LGBT topics. He has taught at all levels
                                                of education and currently teaches
                                                math and statistic courses for National   K. DAVID GOSS, MA, PhD candidate, is
                                                University. For the past 20 years, he has   professor of history and museum studies
                                                taught ballroom and western dancing to   at Gordon College, Wenham, MA.
                                                the gay and lesbian community.

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