Page 23 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
P. 23


                FORTHCOMING                     Italian Americans                 Chinese Americans

              Japanese Americans                The History and Culture           The History and Culture
                                                of a People                       of a People
              The History and Culture
              of a People                       ERIC MARTONE, EDITOR              JONATHAN H. X. LEE, EDITOR

              JONATHAN H. X. LEE, EDITOR

                                                ABC-CLIO                          ABC-CLIO
                                                December 2016, 554pp, 7x10        November 2015, 498pp, 7x10
              ABC-CLIO                          Print: 978-1-61069-994-5          Print: 978-1-61069-549-7
              November 2017, 510pp, 7x10        $100.00, £77.00, €91.00           $100.00, £77.00, €91.00
              Print: 978-1-4408-4189-7          eBook: 978-1-61069-995-2          eBook: 978-1-61069-550-3
              $105.00, £81.00, €96.00
              eBook: 978-1-4408-4190-3
                                                The entire Italian American experience—  [T]he work will be valued for
                                                from America’s earliest days through   “ its specific focus on Chinese
              This book provides a comprehensive   the present—is now available in a single   Americans as opposed to
              story of the complicated and rich story   volume.                     Asian Americans in general. . . .
              of the Japanese American experience—  FEATURES                        Recommended. ”
              from immigration, to discrimination,
              to adaptation, achievement and    •  Hundreds of annotated entries give        —Choice, August 1, 2016
                                                  brief histories of the people, places,
              contributions to the American mosaic.  and events associated with Italian   This in-depth historical analysis
              FEATURES                            American history                highlights the enormous contributions
                                                                                  of Chinese Americans to the professions,
              •  Includes more than 200 clearly   •  A-to-Z organization within five   politics, and popular culture of America,
                written, cross-referenced entries that   thematic sections facilitates ease of
                present brief histories on the key   use                          from the 19th century through the
                people, places, and events associated   •  An extensive collection of primary   present day.
                with Japanese American history    documents illustrates the Italian   FEATURES
              •  Highlights the distinctive contributions   American experience over the course   •  Illustrates the experience of Chinese
                of Japanese Americans to the fabric   of American history and helps meet   Americans with discrimination,
                and plurality of American life    Common Core standards             resistance, and assimilation
              •  Describes the political, social,   •  Sidebars and an array of illustrations   •  Considers the émigrés of the
                and religious institutions founded   bring the material to vivid life  Sinophone diaspora with entries on
                by Japanese Americans and the   •  Each entry includes cross-references   Cambodian-Chinese and Vietnamese-
                community-building, activist, and   to other entries as well as a list of   Chinese Americans
                philanthropic roles they have played  suggested further readings
                                                                                  •  Offers a selection of fascinating
              •  Provides a chronology of events,                                   primary documents that enrich the
                illustrations, and collection of primary                            reader’s experience
                documents                       ERIC MARTONE, PhD, is associate
                                                professor of history and social studies
                                                education at Mercy College in New York.
              JONATHAN H. X. LEE is associate                                     JONATHAN H. X. LEE is associate
              professor of Asian American studies at                              professor of Asian American studies at
              San Francisco State University.                                     San Francisco State University.

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