Page 24 - Reference ACPL Fall 2017
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              ABC-CLIO SERIES
              Guides to Historic Events in America

              “Making sense of the American experience demands attention to critical moments—events—that reflected and affected American
              ideas and identities. By drawing on the latest and best literature, and bringing together narrative overviews and critical chapters of
              important historic events, the books in this series function as both reference guides and informed analyses to critical events that have
              shaped American life, culture, society, economy, and politics and fixed America’s place in the world.” —Randall M. Miller

              The War for American              Reconstruction                    The Progressive Era
              Independence                      A Reference Guide                 A Reference Guide

              A Reference Guide                 PAUL E. TEED AND                  FRANCIS J. SICIUS
                                                MELISSA LADD TEED
              MARK EDWARD LENDER

                                                ABC-CLIO                          May 2015, 308pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4
              ABC-CLIO                          July 2015, 281pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4     Print: 978-1-61069-447-6
              August 2016, 336pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4   Print: 978-1-61069-532-9          $58.00, £45.00, €53.00
              Print: 978-1-61069-833-7          $63.00, £49.00, €58.00            eBook: 978-1-61069-448-3
              $63.00, £49.00, €58.00            eBook: 978-1-61069-533-6
              eBook: 978-1-61069-834-4
                                                                                     With concise information
                                                 “ [T]horough and well suited      “ presented in an easy-to-read
              An indispensable resource for       for beginning and even            manner, this is a good starting
              investigating America’s War for     advanced students who wish to     place for high school reports
              Independence, this book provides a   understand this often-neglected   and casual research, and it is
              comprehensive yet concise narrative   era. . . . Highly recommended.   recommended for school and
              that combines the author’s original   All levels. ”                   public libraries.
              perspectives with the latest scholarship                                           ”
              on the subject.                               —Choice, August 1, 2016       —Booklist, September 9, 2015
                                                Providing an exciting narrative of
              FEATURES                                                            This fascinating guide documents the
                                                Reconstruction based on current   transformation of government from
              •  Offers readers an incisive view of the
                ferocity of the war and the human   scholarship, historical sources, as   passive observer to active participant
                cost of independence            well as interpretive essays on special   and ally of the American people during
                                                topics, this book offers real insight into
              •  Documents how and why the Continental                            the late-19th and early-20th centuries.
                Army became a racially integrated army,   a controversial and critical period in   FEATURES
                something America would not see again   American history.
                until the Korean War                                              •  Shares a new perspective on an era
                                                                                    that is part of the core curriculum of
                                                PAUL E. TEED, PhD, is professor     American history
              MARK EDWARD LENDER, PhD, is       of history at Saginaw Valley State
              professor emeritus and former vice   University in Michigan.
              president for academic affairs at Kean   MELISSA LADD TEED, PhD, is   FRANCIS J. SICIUS, PhD, is professor
              University.                       professor of history at Saginaw Valley   of history at St. Thomas University,
                                                State University.                 Miami, FL.
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