Page 2 - Personnel
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                   S.NO         CATEGORY             PAY LEVEL          S        A       V         E
                     1      Ch.OS                     Level - 7        44       44        0        0
                     2      OS                        Level - 6        136      107      29        0
                     3      Sr.Clerk                  Level - 5        27       28        0        1
                     4      Jr.Clerk                  Level – 2        18       20        0        2
                     6      CS&WI                     Level – 7        18       13        5        0
                     7      S&WI                      Level - 6         6        5        1        0
                     8      Roneo Operator            Level - 2         1        1        0        0
                     9      Chief law assistant       Level - 7         2        2        0        0
                                                        TOTAL          252      220      35        3

              2.  HIGHLIGHTS:

                   Secunderabad  Division  has  a  sanctioned  strength  of  23318  (excluding
                   Accounts & RPF). The Personnel Branch has an important role in keeping
                   the manpower content to ensure increased productivity.

                   The highlights of the Personnel Branch working of Secunderabad Division

                   from 01.04.2021 to 31.10.2021 are as follows:
            2.1  SETTLEMENT CASES:
                   Every  effort  is  made  to  settle  the  NR  as  well  as  ONR  cases  within  the
                   target  time.  As  on  31.10.2021,  out  of  431  cases,  settlement  benefits  in
                   favour  of  403  cases  (277  NR  cases  and  126  ONR  cases)  have  been
                   cleared and 28 cases are pending.

            2.2    PRE 2016 PENSION REVISION:
                   19865 revised PPOs out of 19926 cases of pre 2016 cases are generated
                   as on 31.10.2021.

                   2.3.1    Employee  Master  and  E-SR  entries  of  all  employees  of

                   Secunderabad Division are fed in HRMS website.

                   2.3.2 E-Pass module: Manual Pass issue was stopped and E Pass issue was
                   started from 24.08.2020.
                   2.3.3  Office  order  module:  issue  of  office  orders  was  started  through
                   HRMS on 19.10.2020.

                   2.3.4  PF  Advance  module:  this  module  of  HRMS  was  launched  and

                   started  working  from  01.01.2021.  The  linking  of  HRMS  with  IPAS  for
                   processing  PF  was  completed  on  13.01.2021.  Physical  processing  of  PF
                   has been stopped.
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