Page 5 - Personnel
P. 5

                      POSITION AS ON 31.10.2021:

                    S.No          DEPARTMENT                 SANC.         ACT.     VAC.     EXC.
                      1     ADMINISTRATION                     111         101        10       0
                      2     CIVIL ENGG                        6926         5602      1324      0

                      3     MECHANICAL                        2820         2656      164       0
                      4     OPERATING                         3447         2746      701       0
                      5     COMMERCIAL                        1896         1534      362       0
                      6     SIG & TELE                        1205         1072      133       0

                      7     ELECTRICAL                        3121         2857      264       0
                      8     ELECTRICAL TRSO (LPs)             3396         3269      127       0
                      9     MEDICAL                            140         122        18       0
                     10     PERSONNEL+ SCHOOLS                 256         224        32       0
                            GRAND TOTAL                      23318        20183     3135       0

              2.11. MANPOWER PLANNING:

                   The targets for surrender of posts are complied against 1% MPP.

                               Year             Target       Surrendered        Percentage
                             2017-18             241              241              100%
                             2018-19             238              238              100%
                              2019-20            200               15               7.5%
                              2020-21            233              145             62.23%
                          2021-22 (Up to
                            31.10.2021)          232                0                0%

              2.12  JOB ANALISYS(during the year 2021):

                   2.12.1 Stations:

                   Total job analysis conducted: 3
                   Meritted-3 i.e., 2 (1- Commercial Clerks, 1-Pointsman) changed from EI to
                   continuous (12 hrs to 08 hrs) and implemented 1 continuous to Intensive
                   (SM) under process with competent authority.

                   5  stations  SM  job  analysis  from  continuous  to  intensive,  3  stations    for
                   Pointsman EI to Continuous were pending due to COVID pandemic and
                   cancellation of trains, normalcy not restored, where ever branch officer is
                   certifying normalcy job analysis was conducted.

                   2.12.2  LC  Gates:  Latest  Gate  census  were  conducted  during July  2021.
                   Demand  is  yet  to  come  from  BO  for  all  the  eligible  gates  for  up
                   gradation. As on date, there were no LC gates pending for up gradation

                   in the Division.
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