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16     Up gradation of carriage watering facilities on PF No. 8 & PF.        PA                                                     24396
               No. 9&10 ( 2 lines) & dedicated over head water tank at SC

        17     PA Total                                                                        159895         21985                        101379
        18     Provision of Automatic Coach Washing Plant at SC                      WS                                                     18000

        19     Provision of input water and Electrical supply up to the              WS                                                     4984
               Automatic coach washing plant (ACWP) at SC

               WS Total                                                                           0             0                           22984
        20     Secundarabad-Capacity argumentation of running room at               OSW                                                     13190
               Secunderabad .

               OSW Total                                                                          0             0                           13190

         B     Works in Progress                                                                                      (Rs. In '000s)
     Year of   Name of work                                                           PH         Cost          TDC                        Remarks
       16-17   Construction of new crew lobby and box room for                        TF        14370        Dec'21     Construction of building completed.
               augmentation of Running room capacity as per RB norms and                                                Finishing works are going on. Final variation
               provision of lift at SC running room                                                                     under process.Lift work to be taken up.

               TF Total                                                                         14370
       08-09   Secunderabad Coaching Depot - Extension of IOH Shed.                  WS         28017        Nov'21     BG of Rs.85 lakhs provided for 2021-22.
                                                                                                                        Civil - Extension of IOH shed completed,
                                                                                                                        Path ways and drainage works are under

       18-19   SC Coaching Depot- Upgradation of 4 pit lines from non                WS        123139        Mar'23     Mech: 2 nos of EOT cranes received on
               standard design to standard CAMTECH design pit lines.                                                    04.09.21 and commissioned on 15.09.2021.
                                                                                                                        COFMOW debits for ` 95.32 lakhs was
                                                                                                                        forced by Ex-parte
                                                                                                                        Civil: Tender not floated due to paucity of
                                                                                                                        funds. BG of Rs.1000 provided for 2021-22.

               WS Total                                                                        151156
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