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15-16   Secunderabad - Repl. of central foot over bridge                      PA        201876        Dec'21     For new central FOB Gangway launching
                                                                                                                        was completed from PF 1 to 6/7 ,flooring is
                                                                                                                        Completed. De-launching of central FOB
                                                                                                                        was completed in a block of 10 hours.
                                                                                                                        .Foundation works are completed in all PF's
                                                                                                                        and Columns are erected in in all Platforms
                                                                                                                        including staircase. Further , work is in good

       17-18   Secunderabad- Proposed Extension of foot over bridge                  PA         21931        Dec'21     Foundation on platform no 6/7,8/9 and PF
               connecting PF No.6 & 7 to 10 between KZJ end FOB and                                                     no.10 ,columns fabrication was completed,
               Central FOB .                                                                                            Columns on PF No.6,7,8,9,10 was
                                                                                                                        erected.Launching of gangway was
                                                                                                                        completed on PF 9-10. Further work of
                                                                                                                        gang way fabrication ,stair case are in

       18-19   Replacement of existing aged Non - RDSO Type Coach                    PA         29651        Nov'21     CIB's commissioned  on all 10 platforms .
               Guidance Boards , Train information Boards display boards at                                             Multi line boards near main councorse /
               SECUNDERABAD station                                                                                     waiting hall is in advanced stage of
       18-19   Secundarabad- Ancillary work to the extension of FOB from             PA         21548        Dec'21     Works of S&T ,
      to PF No.10 for construction of additional stair ways                                          Electrical(General),Electrical(TRD) are in
               and connecting works etc.                                                                                progress at SC station to facilitate for FOB
                                                                                                                        extension. Work was sanctioned as per
                                                                                                                        dy/CE/P&D lr.No.W.563/1/91/PWP/2018-
                                                                                                                        19/Umb. sanction/ Vol.II.dt.04-07-18.
                                                                                                                        Telecom work in progress.
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