Page 3 - LPI
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LINGAMPALLI                                                                   Category-NSG 3

         A     Works completed in the last three years                                                        (Rs. In '000s)
       Sl.No                           Name of work                               PH      2018-19     2019-20                     2020-21

          1    LINGAMPALLI-provision of stabling spur line no1                    TF                    24700

                                                                       TF Total                         24700
          2    Provision of OEM facilities to BHEL Line at Lingampalli            PA
               station                                                                                  24868
          3    Provision of OEM facilities to Goods line at Lingampalli           PA
               station                                                                                  24859
          4    Provision of Divyang facilities at D,E, F category stations        PA
          5    Provision of CIBs on PF : 3 and Four Liner TIBs at LPI station     PA

          6    Provision of Data logger linking with COA  at  Lingampalli         PA
               station                                                                                                              685
          7    Construction of new Booking office at Lingampally                                                                    6000
          8    Provision of Escalators to the new FOB at LPI station. (PF No                                                       21386
               1 & 6)
                                                                     PA Total                0          49727                      34300
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