Page 6 - DLS KZJ
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0.45 %
             8    Scrap –              574.91  663.66           249.96         251.07  improvement
                  Ferrous (MT)
                                                                                           over target

             9    Scrap – Non          43.25       16.14          9.96          2.09       --
                  Ferrous (MT)

               (B). TRACTION LOCOS (Upto Oct-2021)
                                                                 Target         Actual
              S.N       Performance              Actual         2021-22        2021-22          Remarks
               o            Indices             2020-21          (Upto          (Upto
                                                                Oct-21)        Oct-21)

                     No. of accidents                                             NIL                --
               1     on Loco                        NIL            Nil
                     Outage in                                                                 7.17 % imp
               2                                  37.37           60.00          64.52
                     Freight locos.                                                           over target

               3     Ineffective                  8.58%            5%           5.59%                --
               4     Ineffective                 10.38%            6%           7.99%                --
                     UORs per 100
               5     locos (on loco             53 UORs            44             60                 --
                     Punctuality loss
                     incidences (on
               6                                    NIL             5              --                --
                     Loco account)
                     /100 locos.

                     ICMS Asset                5.40 cases
                     failures on                  / 100
                     ownership basis              locos          5.13 /       4.08/100           20.46 %
               7                                                                             improvement
                     (on Loco                  (27 cases  100 locos             locos         over target
                     account)/100                 / 500
                     locos.                      locos)

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