Page 11 - Mech (C&W)
P. 11

iii.  Greasing  of  Anti-Roll  bar  bearing  assembly  through  grease

                     nipples  in  LHB  coaches:  For  greasing  of  Anti-Roll  bar  bearings
                     during  D2  schedule,  the  hexagonal  bolt  has  to  be  removed  every

                     time.  To  avoid  this,  Secunderabad  depot  has  replaced  existing
                     Hexagonal  bolt  with  grease  nipple.  One  time  replacement  of

                     Hexagonal  bolt  with  grease  nipple  helps  in  avoiding  hexagonal
                     bolts  removal  every  time.  Greasing  is  done  with  light  weight  hand

                     operated  grease  pump  fitted  with  quick  coupling device(QCD)
                     which is easy to operate. This decreases the fatigue of staff.

                                       Grease nipple fitted

                                      Anti-Roll bar assembly
                                                                 Greasing with
                      Grease          Hand                                              Hand operated
                      nipple                                      operated                     grease pump

               iv.  Development of WSP testing facility: At Secunderabad Coaching

                     depot, after tyre turning of LHB coaches on Pit Wheel Lathe, the
                     coach used to be taken in IOH shed for testing of WSP system due to

                     non-availability of AC supply at Pit wheel lathe which delayed the
                     releasing  of coaches  for  traffic. To  overcome  this hurdle,  facility

                     has  been  provided  at  Pit  Wheel  Lathe  area  for  testing  of WSP
                     system  of  coaches  after  Tyre  turning  there  itself.  With  this,  faster

                     release of coaches is possible.

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