Page 8 - Mech (C&W)
P. 8
iii. Highest ever examination of freight trains in a month: During the
month of Oct-2021, SC division has examined Highest ever 511
Freight trains surpassing the previous highest of 502 trains (in Sep- 2021).
Month Apr,21 Total
Rake examined 408 465 432 431 495 502 511 3244
iv. Highest ever ROH outturn of wagons in a month: SC division has
achieved Highest ever ROH outturn of 444 wagons in Oct-21
against a Monthly Target of 390 wagons. Last highest ROH
attention was for 430 wagons in Sep-21.
Month Apr,21 Total
ROH Outturn 390 390 390 393 390 430 444 2827
v. Highest ever disposal of Scrap: SC division has disposed Highest
ever scrap of 466 MT so far, against the Proportionate Target of
327 MT -Oct 43% above the target of 7
vi. Maintenance of Kisan Specials: 35 rakes of Kisan Specials have
been maintained during - at KZJ and SC.
vii. Maintenance of Oxygen specials: 29 oxygen specials were
maintained - at SNF.
viii. Sundry earnings by Mechanical (C&W) department for the
following activities:
Year 2021-22 (Apr-Oct)
Deposit works for maintenance of privately
owned wagons 18.49 crores
Re-railment charges from private sidings 17.64 lakhs
Wagon damages charges from private sidings 1.83 lakhs
Total sundry earnings 18.68 crores