Page 3 - R:\Personnel\COVID-19\Re-Opening\
P. 3

What we are doing:

           • All employees entering our facilities and job sites will be required to

               complete an online COVID-19 Health screen for symptoms and possible


           • Common areas and frequently touched surfaces are being cleaned regularly.

               Cleaning supplies will be available, and employees are encouraged to clean

               and disinfect work areas, tools, equipment throughout the workday.

           • Hand sanitizer is provided throughout our facilities and job sites.

           • Posters are displayed with reminders on how to prevent the spread
               of germs.

           • Workspace layouts, seating arrangements, and work schedules have been
               revised to allow for social distancing.

           • Meeting rooms, break rooms and other communal areas have reduced

               seating and capacity limits.

           • UV-C Lighting has been installed in large group work areas – e.g. cubicles
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