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Frequently Asked Questions, cont.
Do I have to wear a mask at work?
Employees must wear face coverings when in common areas (hallways, stairwells, elevators,
break areas, etc.), meeting spaces, face to face interactions, and anytime you are within 6’ of
another individual, lunch meetings, when in vehicles, etc. However, some job sites may
always require employees to wear face masks at all times. If masks are mandated and you
have a medical condition that restricts you from wearing one, please speak with human
Will we continue to have in-person meetings?
In order to promote social distancing in the workplace, most meetings have been
restructured. Most meetings will include a virtual option for employees to participate from
their personal workspace. You may be asked to attend an in-person meeting with limited
attendees in a space that is large enough to allow for distancing between participants. The
meeting organizer and your manager can provide you with guidance specific to your role.