Page 6 - jeju wonderland by piggy booboo
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Jeju Province or Official name
is Jeju Special Autonomous
Prefecture ( 제 주 특 별 자 치 도)It is
HISTORY explosion of the Hallasan
an island formed by the
Volcano,It is the best volcano
in the country. a few years
ago Which today still appears
Jeju Island has three the old crater that has
important things: rocks, completely disappeared
wind, and women. across the island.
1. A rock is an old lava
rock formation. Causing 2. Wind: The island is an
the whole island to be isolated area within the
affected by black or dark center of the open sea. The
rocks, a variety of them wind blows from every
have strange shapes. This direction. And within the
is often actually because position on the world map,
when the lava flows down, you’ll see that Jeju Island
the cooling effect is could also be an important
maintained. The foremost Korean typhoon support line.
famous is the Dragon Head During the season within the
Stone. summer, Jeju Island offers
an opportunity to encounter
both wind and typhoon rain.
Which is usually causing
plenty of injuries.