Page 24 - modul trigonometri bilingual
P. 24

From the table obtained the similarity of trigonometric comparison in the
                               form of angular relationship with the following angle.    (90° −   )

                                      sin (90° −   ) = cos                csc (90° −   ) = sec   

                                      cos (90° −   ) = sin                sec (90° −   ) = csc   
                                      tan (90° −   ) = cot                cot (90° −   ) = tan   

                               b. Angular    relationship with angle (    ° +   )
                                    Note ∆       in the image on the side to            determine  the

                               ratio of angular trigonometry    and ∆  ′    ′           to  determine
                               the ratio of angular trigonometry (90° +   ).
                                                                                            90° +   
                               Relationship of angle    to angle(90° +   )
                                                                                r                    P(p,q)
                               sin (90° +   ) = cos   
                               cos (90° +   ) = -sin                                          
                               tan (90° +   ) = -cot                         Q’     O                Q
                               csc (90° +   ) = sec   
                               sec (90° +   ) = -csc   
                               cot (90° +   ) = -tan   
                               c. Angular relationship    with angle (      ° −   )
                                    Note ∆       and ∆  ′    ′  in the image on the side to determine the

                               ratio of angular trigonometry    and (180° −   ).

                               Relationship of angle to angle:   (180° −   )

                               sin (180° −   ) = sin                        P’(-q,p)
                               cos (180° −   ) = -cos                             r                180° −   
                               tan (180° −   ) = -tan                                                   r
                               csc (180° −   ) = csc                                             
                               sec (180° −   ) = -sec                       Q’            O               Q
                               cot (180° −   ) = -cot   

                               d. Angular relations    with angle (      ° +   )
                                    Pay attention and on the image on the side                             P(p,q)
                                                                                  180° +   
                               to   determine    the    ratio   of   angle                          r
                               and.∆      ∆  ′    ′   (180° +   )          Q’                    
                                                                                            O              Q
                               Relationship of angle    to angle (180° +

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