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Pre-game Conversations
Logan Dangerfield contacts Snow Keller and say: What do you think this Crime Alive
place is all about? I can’t figure it out. Did you put in an application to attend their New
Year’s party? I did.
Logan Dangerfield contacts Zion Moriarty and say: I heard from a little bird that
someone has a negative article coming out about you and your blog in a huge publication
in Arkansas. That’s too bad! I love your food blog.
Logan Dangerfield contacts Arrow Renton and say: I’d like to schedule you to get the
firehouse Dalmatians (Buddy and Muffy) a massage. They deserve it for being such
good pals to all the firefighters. Thanks for doing what you do – it’s a great service to
Logan Dangerfield contacts Finn Falstaff and say: Man, you have such a cool job.
I really loved the swamp creatures you created in that movie, The Teenage Mutant
Lochness Rock Stars. The movie was terrible, but at least all the swamp creatures looked
Marlowe Golightly contacts Snow Keller and say: I’m scared of this new company that
came to town (Crime Alive). For all we know, they could be unleashing crime in our
streets and collecting data on how we handle it. I mean, I know my imagination is
running wild, but what could they be doing here, in our small mountain town?
Marlowe Golightly contacts Logan Dangerfield and say: Please tell me what you think of
this Crime Alive business that came to town. Like a traveling circus, they popped up
overnight – no warning, no signs of what they do, nothing. They rented a former old Hall
Mart building! They have funding, which is hugely concerning.
Marlowe Golightly contacts Frankie Finch and say: What do you think of the new
business in town, Crime Alive? They seem intriguing, but very shady since they won’t
tell anyone what their purpose is.
Marlowe Golightly contacts Shandy Holmes and say: I mean this in the most respectable
way possible, but I would prefer if you didn’t apply to go to the Crime Alive party. I really
would like to go to it, and I can’t stand being around you for more than thirty seconds. I
don’t mean to be rude.