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Pre-game Conversations

               Snow Keller contacts Zion Moriarty and say: I heard you have applied to attend the NYE
               party at Crime Alive. I beg you not to attend – even if they accept you for an open slot. I
               don’t want to have to deal with you.

               Snow Keller contacts Arrow Renton and say: What do you think about the new company
               in town, Crime Alive? I think it has to be a movie production company. It will be cool to see
               movies being made in town.

               Snow Keller contacts Emory Twist and say: I’m dying to find out what the new
               company, Crime Alive, does. Have you heard anything about them? Did you apply to be
               invited to their New Year’s party? I did!

               Snow Keller contacts Frankie Finch and say: I think what you do for a living is
               admirable, but the fact that you must carry around a stuffed doll with you on each flight
               is a bit concerning.

               Zion Moriarty contacts Rowan Caulfield and say: I believe this Crime Alive place must
               be private investigators. I can’t imagine it being anything else. What do you think it is?

               Zion Moriarty contacts Arrow Renton and say: Look, I don’t want to start anything
               with you, but can’t you find something more respectable to do with your life?  Animal
               massage? Seriously?

               Zion Moriarty contacts Finn Falstaff and say: I don’t see the merit with what you do
               with your career. For example, I am quality checking food for mass consumption when I
               review an establishment. This helps society. How does your job of slapping on bloody
               makeup contribute to the greater good?

               Zion Moriarty contacts Frankie Finch and say: I heard you have also applied to this
               strange party at Crime Alive. What do you think the company does? They are so secretive.
               Should we be concerned? There are a few people in town that I don’t want to attend the
               party. I’ve put their names down on my application and hope they don’t get invited to
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